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Just take her hand

She stared back. My eyes flickered to her lips, and I finally brought my arm down from behind her. I went to reach for her hand-

I stopped myself and playfully pushed her with my elbow and smiled. She hesitated but scrunched her nose, returning the smile then turned towards the screen frowning. I attempted to pay attention to the rest of the movie but my ears kept burning. I glanced her way and she had put her arm up, resting her head against. There went my shot.

I kept quiet the rest of the night. Once the movie finished she made some comment about not wanting to go home. I was half listening. She took notice and drove us home in silence. Once we got back to my house she stopped the car. She turned towards me, waiting for me to say something.

"Alight. See you tomorrow?" She looked disappointed but nodded. "Kay, g'night.."

I went to turn towards the door and she stopped me. She reached for my face and my heart raced. I didn't dare to move. I remained frozen as she brought her fingers to my- She brought her fingers back, two pinched together. "Gotta eyelash."

I looked her in the eyes then laughed. I shook my head as she kept her fingers up, expecting me to blow. She raised her eyebrows insisting. I rolled my eyes and blew. I shook my head smiling. "G'night Rach." She smiled. "Goodnight."

I got out and after closing the door I let out a heavy sigh. She started the car, waiting for me to get inside. I waved before closing the door. Cursing myself, I walked to my room, took off my pants and threw myself onto my bed. Good lord.


I got home around 9:30. Said goodnight to my family then got into bed. I put on one of my swing mix tapes to try to help me sleep but I knew I wouldn't get much sleep after tonight.

Everything was so confusing. Sometimes I'd feel that maybe Daryl felt this way too. He had to right? What would all the tension he gives off be if he didn't? Maybe he just sees me like a sister and what I'm doing makes him uncomfortable. Who knows. He would never act on anything if he did; he'd be too scared of ruining things or of rejection..

My heart was aching. Annoyance would be the only word to describe it. Like something's constantly weighing on my chest, making me feel completely hopeless and heavy. I wanted to tell him. That ass, if he knew what he was doing.. He had to have some kind of idea of how I felt.

His birthday was coming up, my mind drifted to his gifts. I already got him a Walkman with a Steve Miller Band tape and a mixtape of my own(still in progress)... A Millennium Falcon key chain. I just had the card left. My family and I had a dinner planned for him, with a cake and everything. My grandparents were gonna come. Both my parents and grandparents were going to get him a couple cassets too. It was gonna be great.

The next month was gonna be crazy. Daryl had an interview at a garage shop in a couple days, his birthday was next week. Three days following would be Halloween, and then my birthday the week after.

We had so much good going for us. Maybe telling him would just ruin or complicate things. I couldn't do that to us. I couldn't.

About an hour later I found myself drifting to sleep.


I was in first period on time, and once I was marked down I headed over to Carver's. He gave me some spiel about doing better and staying out of trouble for both mine and Rachel's sake. He gave me a list of requirements I would have to meet for graduation, and told me if I could just keep to myself and pass my classes I'll have no problems with walking. He went on about other things but I began to imagine life after grad. Rachel and I could go anywhere, be anything. She'd have her studio and I'd have a garage maybe in the city. We'd both have plenty of work in Atlanta I'm sure. 

"Alright, everything's all settled then. The next three days you have detention. Do not bail on those. Got it?" I nodded, "Yup!" He looked at me and frowned. "I want to like you Daryl, I'm rooting for you.. prove me wrong, and Rachel right. Okay?"

It took me back a bit to hear him say that. I was a bit offended but grateful at the same time. Not many people took chances on me, a Dixon. I nodded while looking to the ground. "Thanks," I left his office, skipping the rest of first, waiting to meet up with Rachel at her locker before second.

The bell sounded and moments later she was walking through the hall, smiling at me. I smirked and jerked my head up. "Morning."

"Everything's done with Carver?" I nodded, "Mhm."

She nodded her head slowly while she opened her locker. "How are the bruises?" Your eye is losing the color.." I shrugged. "Just a little sore.. looks a lot better." She stopped to read my eyes, and when she decided I was being honest she nodded and started going on about some essay against bullying that was assigned in our homeroom. I scoffed and shook my head. This school was ran by idiots.. Adults never could handle things the right way.

We walked to second, and I walked her to the classes we didn't have with eachother. The rest of the day was a drag but we suffered through it together. We had to help with maintenance around campus for detention. It wasn't so bad and we goofed off the majority of the time. Hell, I could be shoveling shit and be just fine, with her there with me. I loved her so much. With her, life just might turn out alright. I knew it would.

Hey guys!! Super long lag so here's 3 updates in one day! I had a crazy week with my hybrid bio class and I took the final. (Totally aced it I'm so happy)...
Daryl's birthday is gonna be next. Anyways thank you soo much for reading!! <3

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