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It had to have been around 10 when we neared our spot. We drove up over towards the bridge and parked far down the trail. We set up our small camp quickly and laid out blankets and a mat on the bed of his truck. After he set up a tarp to cover us.

We both climbed into the back and as if in sync, we both let out a sigh as our heads hit the pillows. We laughed and he smiled at me. I reached for his hand and squeezed lightly, "Today was so long.. but in a good way." He laughed, "Yeah.. crazy."

He shifted to where he rested on his side and propped himself up with his elbow, "Just gotta worry about us now." He had a warm smile and I nodded, "Mhm, just us. It's gonna be good."

Silence had made its way into our truck tent. I looked over to Daryl and he seemed to be lost in thought. His thumb traced over his bottom lip like I had seen it done countless times. He must've felt me watching him; he turned towards me and stared for a beat, "Are ya scared?"

My brows furrowed, scared? "Scared of what?" My voice was hushed and unsure. I had no clue where he was going with this.

"With leavin', moving away from Ricky and Lay." His eyes searched mine as I gave it thought. It was something I did think about, often. Just never voiced my thoughts because I knew I'd be okay, especially since Daryl would be leaving with me.

I frowned, Daryl's eyes darted away for a split second. Eye contact wasn't easy for him when he'd feel vulnerable or uncomfortable.. "I am.."

He nodded, shifting his eyes away again. "But it'll be okay. I've got you, and they have each other. And it's only two hours away.. anyways I think I'm ready.. it'll be good." I smiled at the last bit I said. It was gonna be good.

"Are you scared?"

Daryl was quiet again. I really only expected a shrug, his voice caught me off guard, "Not so much about leaving this place.. I'm scared of fallin' short- or failing I guess."


"I dunno.. I wanna be able to provide for us and work hard.. become great at what I do. I wanna do enough- be enough to support you."

"It's okay to support one another-"

"I know, for the first couple years I get that. But just one day, I want it to be enough to support you and a family I guess.."

I laughed softly, "Don't think so far ahead.. we're gonna be just starting out and we'll keep each other afloat."

"I know..." he sighed and looked back to me, and after a beat, he rolled his eyes playfully. I smirked as I felt him nudge me with his elbow. His eyes darted up and down my body.

"Ya look real nice in a dress.." he dragged the back of his finger down my thigh as he said so. He raised his brow and smirked. Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"You've said.. like three times now." I grinned as I teased him and he shrugged.

He grunted, "Well ya do.. couldn't keep my eyes off you." He rolled his eyes again with a soft smile forming. His eyes met mine and he inched closer to me. He was so close, our lips almost touching and my breath hitched in my throat with anticipation.

He leaned in and kissed me sweetly. His hand ran up and down my arm, kissing me slowly. He started to suck on my bottom lip and I moaned into his lips. My hands cupped the sides of his face to bring his closer to me. He moved us to where we were under the blankets and he was hovering over me.

His hands continued to roam but when he got the bottom of my dress, his hands inched up, pushing the dress past my waist. I sat us up and he began to undo the button on the back, until he was able to pull my dress off. I lifted my arms, allowing him to and once he got it off, his lips were on my neck. I moaned and he ran his hands through my hair. His hands traveled down my back and he unclipped my bra. He laid us back down softly and smiled before kissing me.

His hands instantly began to touch me and I closed my eyes when I felt his mouth on my chest. I started to become impatient and I began to unbutton his shirt and once that was off, I pulled up his tshirt.

We kissed and shared a couple of laughs. It was in these moments where we felt most comfortable and silly with each other. Everything was warm and quiet, apart from the occasional awkward giggles. It was just us.

Eventually we both were completely undressed and both pretty impatient. "Ya ready?" I nodded eagerly and brought him in for a kiss. He smiled and sat up, reaching for his bag. I played with my hair while he was going through the bag but then heard him huff, "Fuck, I forgot to bring any." He looked to me with huge disappointment, "Really?"

"Yeah" He slumped back and sighed. I sat up and thought for a beat, "It's okay, we should be fine." I leaned in and kissed him up and down his neck, he melted at my touch. "Wait- Ya sure?"

"Yeah, lay down." I tugged on his hair and pushed him down with me.


We were covered in sweat, and laid still, trying to catch our breath. She laid there on top of me and wrapped her arms around me. The heat was intense but I couldn't get enough of her; I tangled one hand into her hair and the other wrapped around her small body. She smelled and felt like home. Time was standing still; all I wanted was for this moment to be frozen for us.

The morning was long and we just enjoyed the quietness of our surroundings, hearing birds every now and then. We snacked and listened to music all while buck naked under the covers. I never thought I'd have this with anyone, or even want this. But I was so happy to be hers, and I loved everything about her being mine.

We picked up the boys and I dropped them all off. I told her I'd see her later that night. I had to go check on Merle and make sure he ended up finding his way home.

He did. And he was a bit pissed when he saw me. Said something about shaming him, making him look bad. That I was supposed to have his back. He started pissing me off. "Whatever Merle, you're all talk, it don't mean shit." Merle grew quiet, I was getting real heated and started pacing, "Ya showed up drunk as hell! Tried punching Rachel's dad! And he had to knock you on your sorry ass! And you're upset with me? Giving me shit for not backing ya up?"

I scoffed and threw my hands up," That's my girl Merle, If I'm gonna have anyone's back it's hers! Ya disrespected her entire family on her day! So yeah I didn't leave with ya and I won't justify your dumb ass!" Merle was real quiet and still, I waited for him to retaliate but he never did. After a few beats he sighed and slapped his hand onto my shoulder, "You're right Dare.. Sorry for being a dick.. Acting up like our old man. Fucking shit. I'm sorry."

My breathing began to slow, while I searched his eyes for any truth to his words. I nodded to him and he squeezed my shoulder. He walked on out, started up his bike and took off. I sighed and ran my hands over my face. I wondered how different things would be if my dad wasn't such an asshole, and if my Ma was still around.. maybe things wouldn't be any different.. I ended up washing my truck and cleaning up a bit to clear my head. Afterwards I washed up and headed back over to Rachel's for dinner.

Hope ya enjoyed! Thank you all sooo much for reading! Almost 3k which is wild. I love you all. Please please please comment and/or vote. I wanna know what your thoughts are, how you feel about the story.. I'd love to get some more feedback. Love you, thank you!! <3

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