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My eyes were burning into the tv screen. Fear surged through me and I shook my head, tearing my eyes away from the screen, "We can't stay here.. With everyone coming in for 'refuge' it'll be insane. We can't-"

"Alright! Fuck- Okay, pack up anything we could need, we need to get home, meet up with Ma and Lay's family. I'll tell Nick to meet us there alright?" Ricky reached up and tugged on his hair, his mind was racing, but he listened. I was relived seeing he was on the same page as me. We had to get out of here.

I quickly nodded, trying to comprehend everything, "Okay. Okay good."

I ran to the closet and grabbed a couple of duffle bags; out of the corner of my eye I saw Milo standing by his door, watching. I looked to him and calmly called out to him, "Mi, c'mere. Take one of these and pack some clothes okay? For hot and cold weather, kay?"

"What're we doing?"

"I'll explain everything once we get what we need packed okay? Now please-"

"Are we gonna-" he started.

"Milo please! I need you to pack, okay?" His eyes showed fear, but he nodded. "Okay, go pack. Grab your art bag. You can pack our music if you want to too okay?" I knew he was scared. He had seen the news reports and stories. We all were scared..

"Nino's going with us right?" He rasped.

"Yes." I started down the hall and tossed a bag over to Ricky, who started packing up the pantry. I ran back over to Milo and he was packing up. Relief hit and I made my way over to pack my own stuff. I packed what was comfortable and convenient; I had no clue how long this was all gonna last, but I knew the city wouldn't be safe for a long time. We had to get out of here before it turned into complete chaos.

After my clothes, I packed toiletries and the medical supplies I had. When I finished, I packed up batteries, matches, and a couple of flashlights, along with some blankets and pillows.

We all met up in the living room once we had finished. "Got everything?" Milo nodded, "I grabbed our best pictures too. And my lion and, and your elephant." He patted down on his bad that slung over his shoulder, the plush elephant doll sticking out. "Okay, great. Ricky?"

"Food, my shit.." He pointed as he mentally checked off what he had in his head, "We're good to go."

We loaded up the car and started our journey back home. Traffic was already insane going both ways. We had a long drive ahead of us.


"Did you get ahold of Nick?" I asked. Ricky nodded quickly but avoided eye contact. His mind was racing; he was terrified but fought to stay calm. Nick was Ricky's boyfriend. They both lived in Atlanta too, but Nick was away for some business meeting in Chicago. "All flights are cancelled.. Everything's going to shit Rache. Fuck."

"Jesus.. What's his plan?" I asked.

"He's gonna head over to his dad's in Indiana.. Then he'll try to make his way back here I guess." His voice fell.. He was wanting to wait up in the city for him to get back, but we made the smart move by leaving.

"They stopped all flights?" Milo asked.

Ricky gave him one of his nervous smiles that would always quickly turn into a frown, "Yeah kid. No ones getting in or out of anywhere by flying.."

Mushaboom • Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now