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I sat at my desk anxiously biting on my thumb. I was completely lost in thought while teacher talked, and the silence coming from Rachel's empty chair was too deafening to even hear what our teacher was saying. There must've been 12 mins left when she finally walked in. My tension eased until I saw tension in her shoulders, her face looked bothered.

I watched her as she sat into her seat next to mine but she didn't even look to me or say hi. Something wasn't right. When I drove over to pick her up this morning, she wasn't even there. And I had gotten there fairly early.

I kept looking over to her and watching her, trying to figure out what was wrong but neither of us said anything. When the bell rang she quickly got up and handed her tardy slip to the teacher. She glanced at me as I followed behind her and she walked out the door and through the halls.

Her steps were hostile, heavy and sharp with each stride. I couldn't tell what was wrong or what I had done wrong. We had been more than fine the past couple weeks.

I followed her to her locker. Her hand jerked it open and threw her book in before grabbing the others.. I looked around to see if anyone else could see or feel the tension she was radiating, I couldn't be the only one feeling how not okay she was. When she closed it she was walking again and I quickly caught up and finally decided to speak up.

"Rachel," I grabbed her wrist and pulled her around. All I was meet with was a cold glare before she yanked her arm away and began walking again. Now I was really worried. I raised my voice, trying to be heard through all the other kids walking through passing period. "Rachel!" I grabbed her upper arm and pulled her in, grabbing her other arm when she faced me.

She gritted her teeth, "let g-"

"The hells wrong?!" I searched her eyes for anything to hint at what was bothering her. "Rache-"

"Let go Daryl." I softened my grip and let my hand slide down her arm. She sighed and ran her hand through her hair. I waited for her to speak but she never did. I was quickly losing patience, I couldn't help it. "Where the hell were you this mornin'? Yer dad said you and Ricky already left for school. Ya didn't tell me- you weren't here. What happened?"

She looked down for a beat, thinking, then her head snapped back up, "My mom left, took Layla with her. They got into a huge fight last night and my dad was out most of the night. He came home drunk as hell and they fought more and my mom packed her stuff and Lay's and just left. Said she didn't know when she was coming back. She packed a lot more than usual.. I don't- I just- they seemed fine but they always go back to fucking up with each other. I don't get it."

"What- That's it?" Her brows furrowed and she looked like she was about to say something but I cut her off. "It's not like they haven't done this before. I don't see how it's even a big deal, let alone enough to make you act all.. distant or whatever." I scoffed, "And, and she always comes back anyways. You've got no idea-"

Her stance and everything about her presence changed. She looked at me as if I slapped her. "Are you serious? Daryl?" She scoffed, mocking me,"You know what? I'm sorry. I get it. I have no right to feel upset right? As long as I'm not getting beat or, or abandoned, I have no right to be fucking upset that my parents are just fucking overbearing and immature right?!"

My eyes narrowed and I shook my head. That wasn't what I was getting at, and now she's gonna be pissed at me, as well as taking her anger out on me. "Nah, never said that! It just not a big deal. I don't get why-"

Mushaboom • Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now