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"Oh my god Daryl,  just give me a sec!"

I snorted at the shorty in front of me. She was holding my crossbow and struggled to keep it up. She kept swinging it back up and each time it would point in the direction of me or her brother and his friend Marco

Rachel swung it up for the fourth time and I ducked.
"Hell woman, if I give you a sec I might end with a missin' eye!"

She giggled and rolled her damn eyes. It hadn't even been 5 minutes and she was already stressing me out. Ricky and Marco were just watching with amusement.

"Geez Dare, how do you keep it up for so long?" She asked.

I just shook my head smirkin' at how much she was struggling. "It ain't even that heavy. Jus' find the right spot on your shoulder and rest it there."

She huffed as she brought it up again and found her balance. "Okay, I got it!"

"Alrigh' now just aim at the target I made for ya."
I pointed to the three cokes I put on top of a tree stump, "Just inhale, and shoot on the exhale. Simple."

She took in a steady breath and her arms stopped shaking. As she exhaled, the arrow was released. It made its way directly to the top can.

She looked at me with that prideful grin and her brother and his buddy clapped. I laughed with amusement and ran over to the can.

When I picked up the can I shook my head in amazement. The arrow hit the can dead center. I held it up and turned towards them. "Jesus Rache, that coulda' been my eye!"

She giggled again and ran over to see the can herself. I walked towards her and met her half way. Her eyes were lit and she playfully nudged my shoulder as she took the can from me.

"See, all that teasing.. Maybe I'll be the one to save your ass with this one day." She laughed and scrunched her nose. I shook my head smiling and scrunched my nose back at her.

After showing her how to load up the arrow and her shooting the targets a couple times, Ricky gave it a go. He wasn't too bad either, but Marco missed every shot.

We were camping out for the night. Only 20 minutes away from home, and we picked a spot next to a running stream. After shooting we popped up the tents and got a fire going.

I showed them how to skin and cook a squirrel I caught(showed them how to catch em too) and they all tried it. Their reactions were pretty entertaining but they all said it wasn't that bad. They opened some cans while I finished the squirrel.

After dinner we was just joking around and made s'mores. It was the perfect night. I was in my element and was spending time with my favorite people. The temperature dropped fast,so we were all bundled up next to the fire. Eventually it was just Ricky and Marco talking. Rachel huddled up next to me and rested her head on my shoulder. I smiled to myself and took in the whole moment. Even after all those years of campin' with my Dad and the guys, it never felt like this. This is what a good life looked like.

Ricky sat up, "Alrighty, I'm calling it a night! So uh, goodnight." He looked to Rachel and smirked. Marco followed him to their side of the camp. They placed their tent on one end and ours was at the other.

Rachel said goodnight and we stayed sitting there for a bit longer. When she finally spoke up, her voice was quiet and soft, "This is so much fun. We gotta do this more often. We should do it again right before break ends."

"Mhm, we will." I whispered.

She lifted her head from my shoulder and my eyes met hers. The only thing giving us light was the fire. The side of her face was glowing as she starred up at me. She leaned in and placed a slow, lingering kiss on my lips. When she pulled away I was left in a daze. She took a moment and kept starring right at me. Not giving me a clue to what was going on in her head.

She  took my hand and stood up. I quickly put out the fire and picked up a lantern, following her towards our tent.

Ricky and Marco were already in their tent, and their talking had died down so Rachel was quiet with every step. She took off her poofy jacket and boots before stepping inside the tent and I followed, removing my jacket and boots.

I crouched in and zipped up the tent. As I tuned around she sat up and I scooted over to where she was. She already opened the sleeping bag so I quickly got underneath the blankets with her. I sat up once I was comfortable, and she leaned in towards me.

Her kiss was soft and slow, And my heartbeat picked up. Her hand traveled up my arms and gently cupped the sides of my face. She pulled me in closer to her and my hands found her waist. We stayed like that for a while, but something about her shifted. A sense of urgency took over as she wrapped her arms around my neck and I lightly squeezed her sides. As I did, I felt her tongue slide against my bottom lip.

I slightly parted my lips, allowing her to have control. At that point my mind was completely fogged up, but rather than letting it end like it usually would, I wanted her to lead me through it. And I allowed her to.

She deepened the kiss and I did my best to follow. As she did my hands squeezed her waist again and I hands began rubbin' her sides. She let out a soft moan and it sent heat all throughout my body. I brought a hand up to her face, trying to bring her closer than she already was. She brought her whole body forward and straddled me. As her body pressed up against mine, and noise escaped my mouth without my control and I felt her smile against my lips. Her hands found their way up and she ran her fingers through my hair.

I felt like I was goin' crazy. Each kiss left me feeling light headed and I didn't want it to stop.
My hands dropped to her thighs, but I kept them there. I wasn't sure what to do, or where this was going to go. I felt her hands travel down to the hem of my shirt and I froze. As soon as I felt her fingers on my skin, making their way under my shirt, I pulled away.

I leaned back to put distance on us, and hesitantly shook my head. I couldn't look her in the eyes. She nodded and crawled off me. My head dropped and I stayed silent. I was embarrassed, and I felt like I was letting her down. But I couldn't do it. I wanted to, but I couldn't.

When I finally brought my head up to look her in the eyes, she seemed hurt. She gave me a weak smile though, and reached for my hand. She gently squeezed and let out a soft sigh, "I love you Daryl.."

I kept quiet, and picked at my thumb. After a couple seconds I nodded. I looked away as she continued to sit there, waiting for me to say something.

After a couple minutes she sighed and reached over to me. Her hand cupped the back of my head and brought me in. She placed a soft kiss to my forehead, "G'night.."

She left me to my thoughts and crawled under the blankets; her back turned from me. I sat there contemplating the whole situation. I quickly grew restless with my thoughts and roughly slid under the blankets. I watched Rachel as she slowly breathed. I sighed. I really did love her.. Just sometimes it was too much for me to show it. I didn't know how.

I scooted closer and brought my arm over and wrapped my arm around her. She turned towards me at my touch, and nuzzled her face into my neck like she always did. I lost track of time; I laid there hoping that one day I could just be.. And I knew I could be, with her.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :) All Daryl this update. A couple problems are gonna arise soon with these two..
Would love to hear feedback. Thank you <3

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