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My mom didn't leave my side since my dad left to go see Daryl. It was pretty quiet between us. I mean.. what was there to even say? It all felt heavy on me, my body felt weak. I guess it was though. My body took a beating..

Maybe fifteen minutes went by when my dad came back, with a doctor following behind. The doc began talking immediately, not giving me the chance to ask my dad about Daryl. I couldn't really focus on the questions he was asking me. I needed Daryl.

My dad walked back over to where he was when I woke up, when the doc started talking. I kept looking to my dad, trying to get anything out of him, but his eyes never looked my way. It frustrated me, worried me. What was going on?

It wasn't until the doc said "baby" and "complications" that he had my attention. I looked away from my dad and to the doctor, "What?"

"There were multiple complications following the surgery to remove the shrapnel from your abdomen. One, unfortunately was the loss of the fetus-"

I winced at the statement. It was an ugly weird feeling that hit the pit of my stomach when hearing the word fetus. It didn't sound right..

"Another is currently happening. The healing process of the surgery itself will leave repercussions. We did everything we could to have minimal invasion, but adhesions are looking to be the outcome to how the surgery went. The way your scar tissue will form, creates an obstruction. Adhesions can distort the normal pelvic anatomy, affecting mobility and function.. Causing infertility."

I was hit again. I stared at him for a beat, making sure I was processing what exactly he was saying.

"Now, we can try to perform another surgery to remove the adhesion, but the operation itself can just cause the scar tissue to reoccur in the same area. It is entirely your choice, there is always the chance that it can be fixed. But the numbers aren't working in your favor, one surgery can lead to many more. You'd be in and out of the hospital and possibly even physical therapy. But there is that small chance. Of course, we'll give you time to discuss your options with your family, give you time to think."

Everything was numb and overpowering all at once. I couldn't figure out what to make of how I felt. I felt like I was on the brink. The only thing reminding me that I was here was the fact that Daryl was somewhere in the hospital. I had to know how he was doing. He had to know..

The doc went on to explain my recovery, and instructions with my parents and I. I couldn't really focus. Everything just started to tune out. Nothing felt real..

After the doctor left, my mom walked over and held onto me. Telling me we'd get through it, that we'd figure out our best options. As she went on, I could only stare at my dad, I was waiting for anything from him. Nothing..

I couldn't handle this, and I was gonna snap soon. I placed my hands on my mom's shoulders, pushing her away lightly so I could face my dad. My brows furrowed as I watched him continue to stare at the wall, "Dad, wheres Daryl? You, you haven't said anythi-"

My dad looked up, slightly in my direction but not at me, "He wasn't in his room."

I narrowed my eyes with confusion, "Where is he then? You didn't ask anybo-"

"I asked around. He could've checked out. I'm not sure Rachel." His tone was cold and sharp. Still, he avoided my eyes.

I looked to my mom who didn't seem phased by any of it. But I couldn't shake this feeling, "If he checked out, he would've came here. Maybe you checked the wrong room-"

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