chickenpox - Niam (LT)

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I woke up to the sound of soft whimpers coming from down the hall. I rolled over to see my husband still sound asleep so I knew it was going to be me to go and find out what was wrong.

The first room I approached was my 3 year old toddlers room Harry as that is where the noises normally come from in the night but was surprised to see him sound asleep. That meant it must be coming from my oldest's room.

Louis was 7 years old now and hardly ever woke up during the night so this had to be something serious.

I gently pushed open Louis' bedroom door and saw him curled up on himself in the middle of the bed.

'Lou-bear what's wrong?' I asked gently and softly so I didn't scare him and he jumped on me and clung tightly onto my shirt sobbing loudly.

'Hey hey calm down boo your going to make yourself sick!' I slowly started rubbing up and down his back which did start to calm him down and soon his sobs turned into whimpers and hiccups.

'What was that all about boo?'

'Nightmare' he said quietly and that had me worried right away.

Louis only gets nightmares when he's sick and Louis didn't deal with being poorly very well he became extremely clingy and constantly wanted to be held which is understandable I guess.

'Do you feel poorly baby or was it just a nightmare?' I asked and reached up to feel his forehead which was slightly warmer than normal.

'Feel poorly daddy' and I knew I was going to be in for a long day.

'Okay it's still pretty early boo so lets go and get you some medicine and find out how warm you are and then you can come and sleep with daddy and papa how does that sound hmm?'

He nodded his head against my chest and I could tell he was starting to fall asleep.

'Don't fall asleep yet boo' I said as we made our way downstairs.

Once we got downstairs I placed him on the kitchen counter and got the thermometer out from the medicine cupboard along with the kids pain relief, and filled up one of Harry's sippy cups with water so he could use it in bed and I didn't have to worry about it falling over.

'Do you want to place this in your mouth or shall I?' I asked him and he weakly pointed to me and opened his mouth.

I inserted the thermometer and rubbed his back while we waited knowing he desperately wanted to be held.

When it beeped I took it out and read his temperature to be 100.5 which isn't to bad but still a fever.

'Is anything in particular hurting Lou bear?' He weakly pointed to his head and throat but thankfully didn't point to his stomach which was good as I didn't really feel like cleaning up vomit.

I gave him the pain relief and then grabbed him and the sippy cup and returned back to our room where Niall was still sound asleep.

I placed him in the middle of us and he cuddled into me before falling back asleep with me not very far behind.

When I woke up the next morning Louis was still asleep next to me and Niall was awake on his phone.

'Morning Li how come Louis is in our bed?'

'I woke up during the night to noises thinking it was Harry wanting to be held but turned out it was Louis, who had had a nightmare, and then said he felt poorly. I took his temperature which came out as 100.5 and gave him some kids pain relief before bringing him in here to go back asleep.'

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