I thought you would be mad - Lilo (NH)

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Request for: sunkissedbaes

"Niall can you stay behind at break I want to talk to you?" Niall heard his teacher say as his class got ready to go outside and play. Niall nodded but was a bit scared of why he was being told to stay behind. Niall never got in trouble at school and he didn't think he had done anything wrong but that didn't stop him from being nervous.

Once the rest of his class had gone outside Niall was left alone with his teacher who went and sat down on the chair opposite him.

'Niall can you look at me?" Niall slowly lifted his head and looked at his teacher.

"The reason I have kept you behind is because of your spelling test results. Did you learn them at home? Because this isn't the first time your spelling test results haven't been the best."

"Yeah miss but their hard." Niall said quietly.

"Niall I need you to give this letter to your parents so they can sign it and they know what's going on okay?" Niall nodded and took the letter placing it in his bag before his teacher let him go out and play with the rest of his class.

Niall however didn't play he sat under the climbing frame and started to cry as he was so scared of making his parents mad. He also didn't understand why he was doing so bad on his spelling tests as he really did try to learn them. The more Niall thought about it the more scared he became and Niall decided that he wasn't going to stay around and have his parents shout at him. Anyway why would they want a son who can't spell. So Niall made the decision that he was going to run away so he didn't disappoint his family and get shouted at.

Harry's point of view

'Niall it's dinner time, dads been calling you for ages.' I said outside my little brothers door who was yet to appear. Niall's normally the first to appear when there's food involved.

'Dad he won't answer me.' I called downstairs.

'Well just go in their then he probably has his headphones in.' My dad called back up and I then opened his bedroom door but Niall wasn't in their.

'Dad he's not in here.' I called back and that's when dad came up.

'Where is he then?'

'Well he wasn't in the game room with me.'

'He wasn't downstairs either.'

'Right I'll check all the rooms up here, you check downstairs he may be hid somewhere.' I told my dad who ran downstairs.

By the time I had finished searching upstairs I came to the conclusion Niall wasn't up here and when I went downstairs I saw dad had come to the same conclusion.

'Harry where in earth is he?'

'I don't know. Maybe he's in the garden?' I said hopefully but dad paled at that thought.

'Harry it's freezing out its the middle of January.' He told me and we both instantly ran outdoors.

After searching all the areas of the garden we went back indoors.

'I'm going to call your Papa, I need you to wrap up warm and head out to look for him if he's outside he's going to be freezing and he needs to be found. I'm going to stay here and wait for your Papa and then go and look as well while Papa stays here incase he comes home. You check the park and then I'll check the remainder of the neighbourhood in my car he can't have gone far.'

I nodded and ran into the hallway and placed my jacket, hat, scarf and gloves on as it was bitterly cold out. When I left I saw dad on the phone obviously trying to calm Papa down.

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