Is it something serious? Part 2 - Lirry (NH)

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"Daddy." Louis said as he came running towards me when he heard the door open and saw me.

"Hey Lou." I said as I picked him up. Harry's mum obviously hadn't told him anything as he was way to happy.

"Have you eaten?"

"Yeah Nana got me McDonald's on the way home from school."

"Really that was nice. Shall we go and see Nana and tell her she can leave and then I'll give you a bath."

"I can't have a bath without Ni though. Where is Ni and Papa?" Louis asked finally realising it was only me that had come home.

"I need to talk to you about that in a minute and I need you to be brave when I tell you okay. But before let's go and say goodbye to Nana." I said and I then looked at Louis who looked extremely confused.

"Oh hey Li, I didn't expect you home yet." Anne said as I walked into the living room.

"Niall's fallen asleep and Harry's agreed to stay with him over night." I said and Anne nodded.

"How is he?" She asked.

"He's alright I'll get Harry to ring you later I don't want Louis hearing everything." I said very aware that Louis was listening to every word I was saying from his place on the sofa.

"Right yeah course. If you need anything ring."

"Thanks." Anne smiled and kissed Louis bye before hugging me and leaving the house.

"Right come here baby." I said as I lifted Louis onto my lap.

"So daddy where's Ni Ni?" He asked and I took a deep breathe.

"Have you ever heard of a hospital?" I asked him and he shook his head."

"Okay a hospital is where people go when there feeling really poorly or have hurt themselves."

"But where's Ni daddy?" Louis asked me clearly not putting the two together.

"Well baby you know how Ni didn't go to school today?"


"Well that's because he was feeling poorly but when we came back home from dropping you off from school he felt worse so daddy took him to the hospital so he can get lots of care from doctors and nurses to help him get better."

"When Ni coming home." He asked as it all started to sink in.

"I'm not sure baby, hopefully tomorrow." I told him.

"So he's all alone."

"No Papas with him and he will be with him all night until I go back in the morning as well."

"Can I come?"

"No baby I'm sorry, but you need to go to school and your get really sick if we take you into a hospital because of your immune system and your probably end up there yourself."

"But I want to see Niall." Louis said and I knew he was going to start crying. He only calls Niall by his full name when he gets protective or upset and right now I'm thinking it's probably both.

"I'm sorry love, but your have to wait till he's home."

"No." Louis cried as he jumped off my lap and ran up the stairs slamming his bedroom door shut. If he can get this angry and the age of 4 I dread to think what he'll be like as a teenager.

I followed him upstairs and when I opened his bedroom door he wasn't in there and as I walked past Niall's room I heard crying. I slowly opened Niall's door and Louis was curled in a ball on Niall's bed cuddling one of Niall's soft toys.

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