Melting ice - Lilo (NH)

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request for: _ignight_

"Harry I'm not asking much just an hour or two and then you can go and meet up with your friends when your pops gets home from work. Or even meet your friends at the park, as long as you keep an eye on Niall I don't mind you doing that." My dad said and I sighed. Niall had recently become obsessed with Ice skating and since it costs loads to go on a proper rink my dad and pops have brought Niall his own ice skates meaning he can skate on the pond. Today my pops is working and Dad was meant to be keeping an eye on Niall while I went out with Friends but he has just been called into work himself, so guess who becomes the go to babysitter. I mean it's not like I had any plans or anything.

"Fine But He better behave." I said as I texted my friends the change of plans and they agreed they would just meet me at the park.

"He will you know he will." Dad said and I just nodded as he quickly got his things together and went to talk to Niall before leaving the house leaving just Niall and I as pop's had already left.

"Hazzy when we going ice skating?" Niall asked coming over.

"In about an hour." I said and he nodded before sitting down on my lap from where I was already sat watching tv.

"I need you to behave when we go to the park though and not go further than I can see okay, as I'm meeting up with my friends so I can't skate with you." I said and he nodded.

"That's fine I don't need anyone with me anyway." He said and I nodded wrapping my arms around him and he snuggled into my chest. I hoped as Niall and I grew up we stayed this close as I mean I'm planning on going to university in 2 years time so hopefully even though I'm not living at home Niall and I will remain close.

"Right how about we have some lunch and then we can head for the park." I said half hour later and Niall nodded getting off my lap and leading the way to the kitchen.

"Right what do you want, although it needs to be something simple so something like a sandwich or cereal." I said and he nodded.

"Can I have a ham and cheese sandwich please."

"Yep." I said making myself one while I was at it.

Once the sandwiches were made I handed Niall his along with a drink and then sat at the table myself.

"Haz why aren't we sat in the living room, whenever its just you or me home we always sit in their."

"Yeah that was until you spilt loads of milk on the carpet last time and Pops found out we had been eating there." I said and Niall made an o shape with his mouth before eating his sandwich.

By the time Niall had finished it was time to leave as we would have to walk as I was still a year off learning to drive.

"Go and get your shoes and coat on Ni and then were head out." I said and he nodded but I heard him run off upstairs.

"Ni where you going?" I called up the stairs as I put my own shoes and coat on.

"Well I'm going to need these aren't I?" Niall said and I just rolled my eyes. He was just like a mini Pops in so many ways and his sass was one of those ways.

"Come on put your shoes on." I said taking his bag that had his ice skates in. He just nodded before putting them on and once he was ready I made sure I had my house keys before we headed to the park which thankfully wasn't the far from where we live.

"Can you help me tie them Haz?" Niall asked me from his place on the bench. I just nodded tying them for him and helping him up.

"Right I'm just going to be over their playing football with my friends okay don't go where I won't be able to see you." I said knowing the pond was pretty big and In places you can't see the whole thing as there's branches and bends.

One direction sickfics/kidficsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz