Please believe me - Niam (LT)

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'Louis come on get up.'

'No daddy. I don't feel well.'

'Louis this is getting ridiculous why don't you want to go to school? This is the third time you haven't felt well in 2 weeks and I'm not stupid I know your faking.'

'But daddy I really don't feel well.'

'No Louis get up now.'

Louis sighed and rolled over when he felt his stomach turn. He held onto it and quickly walked to the toilet before sitting down on it and releasing his bowels. He started to cry but no one came as everyone just thought he was faking.

It was true Louis had been faking a couple of times recently but that was because the work was hard and Louis just didn't understand it. However this time he really didn't feel well.

His daddy and Papa would normally be all over him when he didn't feel well but this time he was left to his own devices and by the looks of things was going to have to go to school sick.

Once he was finished on the toilet he brushed his teeth and then he tiredly put his uniform on and then headed downstairs. He had been awake all night with an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach and now he was exhausted and his head really hurt.

'Morning Lou you ready for school?' He heard his Papa question. Louis just nodded guessing if his daddy didn't believe him his Papa wouldn't either.

'What do you want for breakfast?'


'Louis stop it daddy has already told me your trying to get out of school again but your going so stop trying.'

'Well I don't want anything.' Liam then entered the kitchen with a smiley Harry on his hip and sighed when he saw Louis.

'If he doesn't want anything it's up to him he'll just have to be hungry until lunch.'

'I don't want anything because I don't feel well.' Louis said with tears in his eyes but all he got was a stern look off of his daddy and told to go and put his shoes on. Louis did as told not wanting to be yelled at as his head was hurting so he slowly walked to the bottom stair and put his shoes on.

'Right let's go then Louis.' Louis nodded and took his Papas hand who led him out to the car where Louis climbed in and silently sat until they arrived at the school.

'Alright I love you baby, daddy will pick you up later.' Niall told Louis before kissing his forehead and heading back to the car before heading for work.

Louis managed to get through the first couple of lessons but it was just after break it all started to go downhill for him.

Louis was sitting in his seat trying to figure out his maths problems when he felt his stomach turn and he knew he needed to get to the bathroom before he has an accident in front of everyone.

He raised his hand and waited for his teacher to notice. When she did she came over and knelt down by Louis' chair.

'What is it Louis?'

'Can I got to the toilet.'

'Louis you have only just had break your going to need to hold it until I can see that you have completed at least 5 of the problems.'

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