Constant cough - Narry (LP)

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Request for: LuluSPN

You Alright Sweetie?" I asked as I walked into Liam's room hearing the boy coughing from my office.

"Yeah papa." He said before coughing again and I walked over to him rubbing his back.

"You sure that cough doesn't sound very good." I said placing my hand on his forehead but he just wriggled around before pushing my hand away.

"Papa, I'm fine." He said as he looked up at me before going back to playing with his toy cars.

"Alright But come find either daddy or I if you start feeling poorly okay." I said and he nodded while I smiled at him watching him playing. The boy had an amazing imagination and could play by himself with his toys for hours.

As I walked downstairs I heard louis' contagious giggles and followed the sounds finding Louis on his back laughing and trying to get away from Harry who was tickling him.

"What you two up to." I said plopping down on the sofa and Louis looked up.

"Papa help." Louis squealed and I shook my head.

"I'm sure you got yourself into that situation lou." I said but he shook his head.

"No, daddy took stripes and then hid him behind the sofa and I had to climb on the sofa to get him But daddy then caught me." Louis said and I fondly shook my head.

"Where's Li anyway I haven't really seen him all day."

"He's playing with his cars in his room but I think he might be coming down with something as he's got a bad cough."

"Kids Get coughs all the time and they don't ever come to anything don't worry about it, if he feels bad enough he'll come and tell us he always does." Harry said and I nodded knowing he was right as I saw him let Louis go who quickly picked up stripes and ran over to me before snuggling into my chest once he had managed to climb into my lap.

"You tired baby boy?" I asked as I ran my hand through his hair feeling him nod. I then looked over at the time seeing it was half one so it was nap time for Louis.

"Alright Baby boy I think it's nap time." I said standing up with him in my arms and he didn't complain so he was clearly tired as Sometimes Harry and I would have a nightmare getting him down for naps.

Once I got upstairs I got Louis in a pull-up as although he was for the most part dry during the day he still did have the odd accident during the night and during naps. Once he was sorted I got him dressed into some pyjamas before placing him in his bed.

"Have a nice nap baby, I'll see you in an hour." I said kissing his forehead and leaving the room.

I was about to go downstairs when I heard Liam's coughs again and sighing I back tracked to the bathroom grabbing the cough medicine we kept there hoping that it would make a difference although I didn't hold much hope as it normally doesn't work.

"Hey love." I said walking into his room and he smiled looking up before coughing.

"Baby hand needs to go over your mouth when you cough as we don't want germs being spread." I told him and he nodded doing as I said.

"I don't want that papa." He said looking at the medicine I had brought in.

"I'm sorry baby, but it will help your cough." I said and he sighed watching closely as I poured it onto a spoon.

"Open." I said and he huffed but did open.

"Swallow." I then told him and he stubbornly shook his head.

One direction sickfics/kidficsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα