I'm not a little kid anymore - Nouis (LP)

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Request for: Luiza1107

You Okay sweetie?" My dad asked as he walked into the living room where I was currently curled under a blanket watching tv.

"Yeah I'm fine dad." I mumbled not taking my eyes off the tv.

"You sure, your pretty pale sweetheart and you didn't each much dinner." He said and I nodded.

"I'm sure it's probably just the light and I ate a lot at lunch." I said and he nodded sitting down next to me.

The truth was I was feeling awful but I was 17 nearly 18 I didn't need to be babied anymore, I mean for crying out loud I'm going to uni soon and then I won't even be living with my parents anymore.

"Your tell me if you start feeling ill though right, I know you like to think your all grown up Li but even when I'm sick I need help." My dad said.

"I promise your be the first to know." I said with a smile and he smiled back ruffling my hair.

I spent the next couple of hours on the sofa with my dad and thankfully I didn't seem to have a fever yet as I hadn't missed his ways of feeling for a fever although he couldn't have found one as he would have made the point very clear.

"Hey dad, Where's Haz and pops?" I asked only just realising that I hadn't seen my younger brother or pop all evening.

"Harry had some kind of football thing so your pops took him." Dad replied and I nodded.

"I think I'm going to go to bed, I have football myself tomorrow." I said and dad looked at me concerned.

"It's only 7:30 Li you don't normally go to bed till at-least 10 even with football." He commented and I shrugged.

"I was up till the early hours of this morning doing homework and I guess it's catching up on me." I said knowing the real reason was I was beginning to feel sick to my stomach and if I had any chance of hiding it from dad I would have to be upstairs when it happened.

"Alright then love, I'll see you in the morning." He said with a smile and I nodded although I knew I'd probably see him again tonight as if I knew my dad, and trust me I did, he'd be checking on me through the night.

I slowly walked up the stairs and got about half way before the nauseous feeling increased and I pretty much ran the rest of the way to the bathroom taking the stairs 2 at a time. There's only one thing worse than dad finding out I'm sick and that's throwing up all over his brand new cream carpets.

Thankfully I did make it in time but I was seriously pondering on whether to just go and tell my dad the truth and also part of me just wanted him to come and find me.

I ended up throwing up for around 5 minutes before sitting by the toilet for a following 5 to make sure I had no more to bring up. When I was positive I was done I grabbed the sick bowl from under the sink and slowly made my way back to my room shoving the bowl under my bed so dad didn't see and then climbed into bed sleep quickly coming over me.

"Hey Li, you looking forward to football later?" Andy asked me as he slammed his locker which was next to mine making my head pound even more than it already was. I had got through the night somehow without anyone finding out I was sick but I was hard and I was feeling worse than ever. I knew for a fact that I had a fever, my stomach wouldn't settle at all and now I had a killer headache.

"Yeah Course." I said with a smile but he just narrowed his eyes at me.

"You Okay?" He asked and I nodded but winced as it made my head hurt.

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