Sickness spreads like wildfire - Lilo (NH, LT, LP)

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Please read the authors note at the bottom of this chapter as it explains why my updates are so slow and pretty much non existent at the moment

It was one of those dark, drizzly mornings when my alarm went off Monday morning and I sighed not wanting to get up at all and I knew the boys probably wouldn't be too keen either.

"No Li stay in bed." I heard Louis whine and I chuckled as it seemed like Louis wasn't to keen to get up either.

"Sorry lou But the boys have school and you have work." I said running a hand through his hair.

"I'm always jealous that you don't work Monday's." He said sitting up and pushed his hair out of his eyes.

"Yeah but you get Tuesdays and Thursdays." I said and he just shrugged.

"Atleast yours links to a weekend." He said getting up before kissing me and heading into the bathroom. I guess that meant I was on kid wake up duty.

I started with Harry as he had to be up before Niall as he left earlier and I saw him already awake on his phone.

"10 minutes Alright Love and then you need to be up." I said and he looked over to me smiling before nodding and turning his attention back to his phone. Teenagers I thought fondly shaking my head before heading into Niall's room who was still sound asleep. I smiled and went over to wake him gently playing with his hair as that's how he likes to be woken up but paused my hand when it was over his forehead feeling the sticky heat below my hand.

Great, looks like Niall's sick again. I gently started playing with his hair again while gently saying his name and he slowly opened his eyes but I knew he was far from well.

"Daddy." He whined before a sob escaped and I sighed rubbing his back.

"What's the matter sweetheart?" I asked him getting onto his bed and he buried his face into my chest.

"Feel sick." He cried and I sighed.

"As in just not very well or as in throwing up?" I questioned but when I heard him gag I knew which one it was and quickly scooped him up running with him towards the bathroom.

"What's going on?" Louis asked as I ran past him and he most have followed as I heard the bathroom door shut behind me and I didn't shut it I was to focused getting Niall over the toilet in time.

"Aw bug." I heard Louis say and Niall just sobbed as he sickly coughed and burped throwing up everything in his little body.

"I think I might have some company today." I said turning around to face Louis while rubbing Niall's back.

"I think you might be right as he his certainly poorly no questioning it." Louis said as Niall must have finished up as he climbed onto my lap and just clung to me.

"I'll ring his school." Louis said and I nodded as I picked him up and carried him downstairs after grabbing his duvet and pillow.

"I'm going to grab a sick bowl Okay sweetie I won't be long." I said and Niall just nodded burying himself under the duvet. I sighed as I entered the kitchen and went to the medicine cupboard grabbing a sick bowl and then also the thermometer and calpol.

"Niall sick?" Harry asked as he appeared dressed in his uniform grabbing an apple.

"Yeah he's not doing too great right now." I said as Louis walked in phone in hand.

"Alright I've rang the primary school so they know Niall won't be attending. Haz you want a lift love? I haven't got to take Niall in so I've got time on my hands." He asked Harry who quickly nodded.

One direction sickfics/kidficsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang