Tooth troubles - Nouis (HS)

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Request for: anonymous

I had been watching harry closely throughout the day as he had been acting pretty strange. It started at breakfast when he refused to eat cereal and he's also been resting his hand on his right cheek for most of the day.

"Harry dinner." I called up the stairs as Harry had retreated to his room a couple of hours ago fed up of me staring at him.

"I'm coming." He called back just as Liam appeared in the kitchen.

"Hey dad."

"Hey love, did you get all your project done?" I questioned him as he had been at Andy's most of the day working on some kind of history project.

"Pretty much were going to FaceTime later and hopefully get it finished." Liam told me and I nodded.

"Alright." Harry then came downstairs and sat in his seat opposite Liam.

"Why you holding your cheek."

"Liam don't you start I've had enough of dad questioning me all day."

"Well answer the question then." Liam commented and Harry just glared at him.

"Well you going to answer?" Liam said looking at him.

"I don't have to tell you anything Liam." Harry snapped back and I stepped in before Liam could comment.

"Boys that's enough, it's dinner time and I don't want to hear your arguments right now." I said placing the plates of food on the table just as Niall came through the front door and into the kitchen.

"This is why I don't mind coming home late as food is already on the table." Niall said smiling and dumping his work back on the kitchen side.

"Hey love, nice to see you too." I commented as Niall sat down and started to eat.

"Sorry, Hey Lou good day?"

"Not bad, I mean Harry's been home all day keeping me company." I said giving Harry a smile who smiled back before wincing.

"Well I'm glad your day was good. I hate inset days they make Monday's even worse." Niall mumbled and I laughed.

"What about you Li?"

"Been working on that project with Andy." Niall nodded and then turned back to harry who was letting out small whimpers whenever he tried to eat.

"You Okay Haz?" Niall asked and Harry nodded.

"Course, why wouldn't I be?"

"Your whimpering."

"What no I'm not, I think your getting old pops and are hearing things." Harry said quickly. Niall glared at him in response.

"Excuse me Haz, I am not old."

"You are pops." Niall just looked to me to help him out but I just shrugged.

"Lou you are aware your older than me."

"Staying out of it Love, I'm not the one he's picking on." I said and Niall sighed.

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