School trip disaster - Larry (LP)

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Request for: Lu0715

"Boys dinner." I called out once I'd finished cooking the pasta bake and Niall and Harry soon appeared.

"Haz love last time I checked you weren't one of the boys."

"No but I'm hungry so I'm just going to eat this tonight it will save us cooking again later as well." Harry said and I nodded getting 2 extra plates out for Harry and myself.

"Liam." I called out when I saw the 6 year old hadn't appeared which was strange for Liam as he loved food.

"Any of you seen Liam?"

"He was in the living room earlier." Niall said tucking into his pasta and I furrowed my eyebrows as the living room was right next door so I don't see how Liam couldn't have heard me.

"I'm going to go and find him." I said before heading into the living room where Liam was curled up under a blanket on the sofa.

"Li, sweetie." I said softly walking over to him and he gave a small whine before opening his eyes.

"Hey dinners done." I said softly before moving his hair off his forehead.

"Hmm." He mumbled before closing his eyes again.

"What's the matter love?" I asked as I know he'd been at school all day but normally he's still full of beans at this time of night.

"Tired." He mumbled before reaching for me and I scooped him up into my arms.

"Come on it's dinner time." I said but he shook his head against my chest.

"Not hungry."

"Just try for me and then we're get you in the bath and in bed." I said and he huffed but I felt him nod.

"Ah there you are little one." I heard Harry say as I sat Liam down in his chair but he whined and raised his arms for me.

"Shh baby." I said but sat him on my lap letting him eat from there.

"What's wrong Li?" Harry asked as Liam just looked at his pasta so I put a couple of pieces on a fork and held it up to his mouth hoping he'd take it and he did but he didn't look keen so I didn't know how much more he'd have.

"He's saying he's tired but I'm not sure if it's not something more." I said continuing to feed Liam.

"Might be coming down with something." Harry suggested as Liam refused the next forkful of pasta.

"I hope not." I said moving my hand so it was against Liam's forehead.

"He's not warm yet but I think we're keep a close eye on him. I mean I'm going to give him a bath in a minute and get him in bed. Hopefully he is just really tired and a good nights sleep is all he needs." I said as I felt Liam snuggle into my chest and looking down I saw he'd closed his eyes. I smiled at him and gently started rubbing his back as I started eating my own dinner.

When I was done Niall and Harry said they would take care of the cleaning and I carried an almost asleep Liam upstairs to the bathroom.

"Baby can you get undressed for me." I said to my sleepy 6 year old who had curled up on the closed toilet seat as I started running the bath.

Liam didn't make any signs of doing as I asked so I bent down so I was the same level as him and helped him out of his school uniform and once I'd done that the bath was at a suitable level so I turned that off and lifted Liam in who sleepily rubbed his eyes.

"Do you want your toys?" I asked but he shook his head so I got to work on washing him and his hair before lifting him out and wrapping him in a towel once I'd dried him off.

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