New diagnosis - Larry (NH)

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Request for: _ignight_

"Ni you Alright sweetie, your drinking a lot today?" I asked Niall as I saw him feel up another glass of water.

"Yeah, just really thirsty." He said and I nodded watching him leave the room.

"Daddy I'm hungry, what's for dinner?" I heard Liam call out before he appeared in the room.

"I don't know sweetie." I said ruffling his hair and he pouted.

"But I want food."

"I know baby, but we're all eating together tonight and papa won't be home for another hour or so."

"But that's ages." He whined as Niall reappeared getting a packet of crisps out the cupboard.

"Um Ni no, you now how I feel about snacking."

"Dad I'm starving though." He said and Liam nodded in agreement.

"Put the crisps back and if your both really that hungry help yourself to fruit." I said and Niall nodded not complaining and picking up an apple while Liam continued to whine.

"But fruits boring Daddy." Liam continued to whine.

"Liam either have some fruit or wait till papa gets home." I said and the boy huffed walking off in a strop.

"He's more stroppy than me at the moment." Niall said and I sighed.

"I know I think he's struggling cause your pop is working more hours and I think he just misses him." I explained and Niall nodded.

"Oh I've got a form you need to sign in my bag." Niall said and I nodded.

"Go and get it then." I said and Niall nodded heading off upstairs.

"Alright stroppy." I said as Liam came back into the kitchen snatching an apple out the fruit bowl and heading back into the living room.

"Here." Niall said handing me a letter before plopping himself back down in a chair.

"Ni What's this about?" I asked reading it seeing it was from his football coach.

"I'm not sure coach gave it to me after football practice. Why what does it say?"

"It says that you've lost quite a bit of weight and there worried how much you've lost and are saying you need to see a doctor and be cleared by them to continue playing."

"What? So I'm not allowed to play football." He asked me and I shook my head.

"Sorry love that's what it says here though, to be fair I've noticed the weight issue as well but your eating more than ever. I'll make you an appointment in the morning." I said and Niall sighed but nodded.

"Don't worry love, it's probably just because your growing up I mean you've gone through a massive growth spurt over the past couple of months it's probably down to that, I'm sure your be told your perfectly healthy and can continue to play football." Niall just nodded and came over to me.

"What happens if something is wrong, I mean I've noticed things as well. I mean I'm drinking loads, eating loads but loosing weight, I'm going to the toilet constantly to wee, and I'm really tired. That ain't normal dad." He said to me and I could see he was pretty worried so I lead us into the living room and he curled into my side once we sat down on the sofa.

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