Allergic reaction - Larry (LP+NH)

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Right I've decided to start writing who the requests are for as each request I write is so amazing and you guys deserve the credit, so if you've suggested a request in the past and I've done it can you please either comment on this chapter with the title of the chapter or comment on the chapter that is your request and I'll add it. Any request I've received recently and haven't done yet then I'll add it automatically to the top of the request. I will try myself to find the old requests but it will be quicker if you can just tell me as I want to write new chapters rather than searching through things to find your original requests.

So this request is for: sunkissedbaes

"Papa." Liam whined as he crawled onto my lap and curled into a ball.

"I know sweetie. The flu is no fun at all." I told the small 6 year old. Liam had come down with the flu a couple of days ago and the small boy didn't really know what to do with himself.

"It hurts."

"What hurts?"

"Head." He whimpered and i nodded.

"Well your due for some more medicine so that's probably why." I told the boy as I reached over for the kids cold and flu on the coffee table and measured out the right amount.

"Here baby swallow this." I said handing it to him and he did as told.

"On the plus though Baby, your not as warm anymore." I said feeling his forehead.

"I still feel icky though."

"I know Love." I told him as I wrapped my arms around him and pulled the blanket further over him as he coughed.

"Do you want to watch the TV?"

"Toy story?"

"Again we've watched all the toy story films twice these last few days already." Liam just shrugged and I didn't want to upset him so I just put toy story on for him letting him snuggle.

Niall's point of view

"I'm home." I called as I walked through the front door to instantly get shushed at by my pops.

"Sorry." I said as I walked through the living room door seeing Liam curled into pops asleep.

"Good day?"

"The normal I guess, I'm going to do my homework." I said and he nodded before I retreated up to my room. I would normally get a snack when I came home but for some reason I wasn't hungry so just went straight up to my room.

I started my homework but as I was working I felt the start of a headache forming so decided to stop. I went and sat on my bed messing around with my phone only to feel the headache worsening.

30 minutes later I decided to go and find some meds as my headache was getting worse by the minute. I walked very slowly down the stairs before walking into the kitchen and searching through the medicine cupboard. I knew I was allergic to ibuprofen but thanks to pops needing more space in the cupboard he had removed all the boxes and I didn't have a clue which ones I could have and which ones I couldn't.

One direction sickfics/kidficsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें