No faking in this house (part 2) - Larry (NH+LT)

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So this is part 2 of the previous chapter and there's going to be at least another part. Again this is co wrote with ilangel1.

Much to Louis' surprise he wasn't woken by Niall until the early hours of the morning and Niall wasn't actually awake instead he was tossing and turning so Louis guessed he was having a nightmare probably being brought on by his fever. Louis tried to wake the boy but as he did he felt a strange sensation in his stomach and groaned. Louis knew it was risky the fact that he'd spent most of the day with Niall knowing the boy would have been contagious plus the fact that he had thrown up over Louis at least twice that day. When Louis felt vomit coming up his throat he very quickly grabbed the bucket that was on the floor by the side of Niall's bed.

Harry who wasn't a very deep sleeper had woken up to the noise and obviously assumed it was Niall however when he entered the room he was very surprised to see it was Louis over the bucket.

"Oh no." Harry said before rushing over and helping his husband.

"Harry leave me, wake Niall I think he's having a nightmare." Louis said in-between bouts of vomit. Harry sighed but did as his husband said and managed to get Niall awake and pulled him into a hug.

"It's Alright." Harry said to his son as he could feel him shaking from fear and probably the fever.

"What's going on?" Niall asked quietly as he became more aware of his surroundings and he noticed his dad throwing up. Harry was about to respond but Niall ended up gagging himself.

"Christ." Harry said panicking as Louis was still occupying the bucket and quickly looked round setting his eyes on Niall's bin he had by his desk and quickly darted for that getting it to Niall just in time. Niall puked into the bin almost instantly while Harry rubbed his son's back.

Niall by this point didn't really have much to give and finished up pretty quickly with Louis finishing a couple of minutes later leaving Harry with 2 loads of sick to empty out. At least they weren't on the floor or the bedding and for that alone harry was thankful as it was way to early to be dealing with that.

Harry went to empty the bucket and bin and then grabbed the thermometer to check both Niall's and Louis' temperatures. Niall's was still really high at 38.7 but that was some improvement whereas Louis' was 38.1 however Niall was known for high fevers so he guessed that's why Niall's was higher than Louis'. Harry got a cold cloth for both of them and decided to let them sleep for a bit. However Harry made Niall sip some water before he went to sleep. He also decided against moving Louis as well as that would probably cause him more trouble than its worth but he did make sure that the bucket was in reach for Louis and the bin was touching distance for Niall.

"Go to sleep both of you" Harry said softly. Niall nodded and curled into Louis who smiled softly at the boy playing with his hair.

"Louis that was directed at you as well."

"I will once Ni Is asleep." Louis said.

"Lou your sick as well you need as much sleep as you can get." Harry said and Louis sighed but closed his eyes.

Harry made sure they were both asleep and couldn't make up his mind to stay or go back to bed In the end deciding to go back to bed and try and sleep as he wasn't going to be much help if he was exhausted himself. Harry fell asleep very quickly but wasn't sure how long he was asleep for before he was woken up again.

Much to harry surprise though he wasn't woken by the sound of someone throwing up but actually to tugging on his arm.

"Papa wake up." Liam whined and Harry opened his eyes seeing his youngest.

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