Is it something serious? Part 1 - Lirry (NH)

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Request for: DHMORREGO

"Morning Lou." I said as I walked into Louis' room who was just starting to wake up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes before looking at me.

"Daddy is it school today?" He asked me and I nodded.

"It sure is love, do you want to get ready yourself this morning?" I asked knowing Louis was going through a bit of an independent stage where he liked to do things for himself.


"Alright head for the bathroom and use the toilet and brush your teeth then come back and get dressed okay."

"Okay daddy." He then ran off towards the bathroom.

I then made my way across the corridor to wake Niall. I very rarely had to wake Niall as he was normally up way before he had to be and in the playroom, although it was untouched in there this morning when I checked before waking Louis.

As soon as I pushed Niall's door open I knew something was wrong. Niall was still sound asleep and there was a strong smell of urine in the room. We haven't really experienced bed wetting from either of the boys as they were all ready potty trained by the time they came home with us. All we have really experienced is with Louis when he gets really bad nightmares, in fact I think this might be the first time ever with Niall.

"Niall." I said quietly as I sat down on his bed and ran my hand through his hair. He slowly started to move around but didn't open his eyes.

"Come on baby, open those pretty blue eyes for daddy." I said but he still kept them shut. I was getting worried now as Niall is never this difficult unless he's sick. However he must have then felt the wetness of his sheets and opened his eyes crying instantly.

"It's alright baby, it's okay." I said to him as I placed him on my lap.

"Sorry." He cried and I just held him tighter.

"It's fine baby, I'm not mad." I reassured him and he nodded placing his head on my chest although I could see he still had tears falling from his eyes.

"Are you feeling poorly love?" I asked deciding that there was no other reason for this mornings events with the tiredness, bedwetting and lack of energy.

"My back and side hurts." He mumbled into my chest.

"What side?" I questioned instantly becoming worried about his appendix but sighed in relief when he pointed to his left side. He then snuggled further into me and I felt him shiver as I had my arms around him.

"You cold sweetie?" He nodded and I then lifted his top and placed my hand on his back as his face was hidden.

"Come on love lets go and get you cleaned up and daddy will check your temperature as well as your warmer than you should be."

"No daddy I'm cold." He stated and I just sighed. He definitely had a fever.

"I know you are love." I said as I got up and grabbed Niall some comfy clothes as I wasn't sending him to school and then started walking towards the bathroom, however I was stopped by Louis.

"Daddy I'm hungry." He said. He was already dressed and ready but I needed to get Niall sorted who was still cuddled into my chest.

"Can you just go downstairs and grab a cereal bar and a yogurt love, I need to sort you brother out." I said hoping he would agree. He should as it's more stuff he can do on his own.

"Okay, can I watch TV?"

"You don't know how to work the TV love but you can use the IPad." Louis smiled and nodded and then disappeared downstairs.

One direction sickfics/kidficsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ