Day 3 | (Y/N)'s Backstory

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I shot up from sleeping, heavily breathing and in cold sweat.

I looked at my surroundings and realized everyone fell a sleeping the front room.

I turned to look at my side and saw Suga. Apperently I used his arm as a pillow.

'Aish These brats....'

I stood not wanting to wake then and walked to the bathroom. I turned the sink on and slashed cold water on my face.

I stared in the mirror at myself. After a minute I shut the sink off and walked out.

The boys were sound asleep. I picked up everyone's books and placed them in a pile near the middle of the circle so they didn't destroy them kicking their feet around.

I walked to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of Orange juice.

I sat back down beside Suga and opened my laptop. I plugged my headphones in and played some music.

After about an hour the boys started waking up.

I was typing away in my computer.

Suddenly I felt something tap my shoulder.

I look up to see everyone looking at me. I took an earphone out and looked around.

"Need something?"

"What are you doing?"

"What dose it look like I'm doing?"

I got up walked to the kitchen and came back out with water for everyone.

I passed out the glasses then sat back down and put the headphones back in.

I felt another tap.


"Why are you working on the project?"

"Because it has to get done."

I put the earphone back in.

J-Hope tapped my foot.

"Wanna go out today? It'll be my treat!"

"I'm good."

I started typing.

I looked at Jin who tapped my thigh.

"We should go to that little resturant on the corner for dinner."

I just blinked when V tapped my knee.

"We should do it yeah?"

I kept ignoring them because I had work. Suddenly Suga tapped my arm for the third time. I threw my head back and leaned against the couch.

"I wonder why I stick around you all."

I grabbed my laptop and cup and went to my room.

As I shut the door I walked over to the bed. I sat down and began typing.

Suga knocked and entered my room shutting the door behind him.

"I'm not stripping for you."

"What?! No no t-that not...."

I shook my head.

"What do you want pervey"

"I wanted to work on the project?"

I looked at him with the 'what the hell' expression.

"Literally 3 minutes ago you said to forget about it for now."

Sent From Heaven (Suga X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang