Unexplained Survival

363 17 3

"I'm sorry guys... (Y/N) I'm so sorry"




I opened my eyes. Rock. I see rock. I sit up and see the same place as before. This time, without anyone. Just me. Then I remembered. My neck is snapped.

My hand quickly jolts up to my neck to feel, but it feels fine.

I take in my surroundings. Theirs rock and debris everywhere. I slowly stand up to look around more. 

How do I get out of here? I turn around and see that that exit was blocked off.

I'm not quite sure where to go from here. I start rubbing my head. This is a major headache. I closed my eyes and imagined the last thing I saw before this. I sighed and suddenly felt water hit my head. I opened my eyes to evaluate what was happening. My eyes widened a little. How did I get here?

I looked at my new surroundings. The street was lit by the street light. All of the traffic lights were lighting up the interception and the air was wet. The rain was pouring and soaked me in minutes.

"Suga?....Kookie? Jimin?"

I turn around.

"Jin? V! Nammie! Hobi!"

Silence. Nothing but the rain.

I sighed and began making my way down the street. I was well passed soaked. I got to the park and sat on the bench. My feet hurt. I was in nothing but spandex shorts and a large button up that I took from Suga.


I shot my head up.

"Gabriel? Thank god."

I sighed of relief and relax my muscles.

"What are you doing here? They said you were dead?"

My head shot up again but this time I stood as well.

"The boys?! Where are they??"


He opened the portal to the other side. and helped me through. Once there we made our way to the main building.


Once we reached the building he opened the door.

"They're kinda sensitive right now."

I cock an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"They're demanding god send you back. But he doesn't know where you are. They don't believe him."

He opened the office door and I can her muffled yelling.

"Oh hey gabe! Oh! (Y/N)??"

I waved at her and she let me through. Gabriel stopped to talk to her. I opened the door, still tracking in water.

"I know shes here! Please i'm begging you!"

"Suga maybe she isn't here yet."


The door shut behind me leaving a slightly loud noise. They all turned towards me. Suga was still facing god.

They stared at me in shock.


He ignored him.



Sent From Heaven (Suga X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz