Demon VS Girl

555 19 9

"What is it?"

They all looked at each other, seemingly unsure of themselves.

"You look very beautiful today."

I cock my eyebrows at the suspicious boys.


I then away slowly to make my way to my room, making sure to look at them curiously as I go.

They're hiding something.

I heard whispers in my head but I figured it was due to the fact I havent slept.

I sighed as I opened my door. I looked at my empty bedroom.

Well shit.

I laid down and instantly fell asleep.


I woke up to the sun shining I moved my (H/C) hair out of my way and sat up slowly. I rubbed my eyes to focusmy vision more.

I restlessly looked at my phone.

It was 6:45 AM.

I sighed, knowing I wasnt going to be able to go back to sleep. I looked around my room to see an unusual sight.

I was alone in my room.

I squinted my eyes and made my way off my bed.

I left my room and started checking the other rooms. The boys were all asleep in the library.

I smiled and sighed.


I went and grabbed blankets to out over them.

I kissed each one of them on their head and made my way to the kitchen.

I went to reach for the fish-shaped biscuits however the box was empty.

Of course Namjoon would eat them all.

I really wanted some. But on the other hand I didnt want to wake the boys. Who knows when they got to sleep.

'Do it.'

I stopped moving and listened.


'You're fine hun. Just go to the store.'

I turned around. I didnt see anyone.

"Who's there?"

'Just go. Before you go wake them.'

For an odd reason I felt obliged to go. What's one trip without the boys?

I quickly and quietly grabbed my shoes and keys and stepped out the door.

After 14 minutes, I was at the market. I walked inside the store and grabbed a basket. I smiled at the worker and made my way towards the snacks.

Once I found my biscuits, I grabbed chips and a few drinks ks as well. After 5 more minutes of shopping, I made my way to the front when something suddenly caught my eye.

Hair dye.

I sat there staring at it and debating if I wanted to or not. Why did I have the sudden urge to dye my hair??

'Get that one.'

My eyes landed on one color. I grabbed it and put it in the basket.

I dont plan on dying my ehile head. Just streaks.

I checked out and started walking back to my place.

I never noticed how beautiful this town is. The sun rising just slightly enough to silhouette the trees. The lack of society in public at this hour. The peaceful, morning smell. Mist collecting early morning in the environment.

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