Appas Awakening

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I was practically forced out of the hospital after almost a month.

They were able to revive appa but im still skeptical.

I was wandering around town, not even thinking about anything but appa.

Like was he gonna be ok or is he gonna wake up.

And most of all... Is he gonna leave me like mom did.

I ran into someone suddenly.


Just as I was about to walk away...


I turned around ever so slowly.

Jackson. And his annoying group.

I turned back around when he ran in front if me.

"You have to talk to me sometime."

"You are the LAST person I want to see right now. Get out of my face."

"Damn who died and made your sister such a bitch?"

I turned around to his friend with a deathly glare, venum practically dripping from my look.

"Do you really wanna play with me pretty boy. I'm not in the DAMN mood. Talk to me again you'll have one less tooth."

"Hey don't talk to mark that way!"

"And you! What the hell do you want?! Did you forget something at home so many years ago?! Huh?! What ever it is take it and leave I don't wanna see your face!"

"(Y/N) Your making a scene-"

"Back off."

Male figures surrounded me, seaperating me from Jackson and his group.

"Who are you to butt into Jackson's business dude? Her boyfriend or something? Certainty not! You guys seem to up for a low like her!"

I reached my arm over Suga and punched him right in the jaw. Sure as he'll I knocked a tooth out just like I said I would.

I made my way through the boys after they tried to stop me.

"(Y/N) dont-"

"If you want to keep the rest of your teeth in the pretty boy head I suggest you SHUT UP otherwise, BACK THE HELL OFF. You have no right to butt in out business either jackass! You arnt family! You don't belong on this road! That goes for all of you!"

I glared at the rest of his stupid little group.

They shut up as I glared at Jackson who was reliesing a terrified look from his now grown sister.

"If you ever cared in the first place, appas in the hospital. Visit him or dont, just don't ever talk to me until you care enough to prove that your sorry for leaving your family."

I stomped away from them, leaving them speachless, as Suga and his crew followed me.

"Don't you think-"

"I'll knock your teeth out too."

I stopped and glared at them.

"You have no clue do you? Your-"

I stopped myself and walked to the house tears pouring down my eyes.

One we walked in, Alli stood there with her real estate manager.

"Oh (Y/N) I wasn't expecting you home dear."

I scoffed at her fake omma act and walked upstairs.

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