What started It All

675 22 13

I woke up in a warm atmosphere. I felt snug, not comprehending what happened.

I look around and notice I'm in someones arms. Sugas.

Hes fast asleep, peacefully.

I slowly got up trying not to wake him. That doesnt help at all.

"Hey no come back here."

He gently pulls me back down onto his chest.

I sign and giggle.

"Its 8 am we need to get up."

He groaned.

"Ehhh five more minutes."

I laughed a little.

"No. Up."

I tried to pull myself up but the force of Sugas grip pulled me back in. This time as soon as I hit the bed, he rolled on top of me.

A huff of air shot out of me as soon as the muscular boy released all his weight onto me.


I cant even get one word out. I push up with my arms and roll onto my back, just before he drops down on my again.

My eyes shut, trying to comprehend what's happening and how to get out of this situation.

I open my eyes and it seemed like the world stopped. Time went slower and everything was in slow motion.

Sugas face rests inches from mine. I can do nothing but stare.

His hair elegantly falls just right over his porcelain frame. His pink lips, slightly parted, clash with his velvet skin and his jaw rests just under my collarbone.

He is handsome I'll admit and I've seen it before. But never to make me feel this way right? Have I felt like this before with him?

One of his slowly opens to look at me. My eyes grow slightly wide when I realize he just caught me staring at him.

I place both of my palms on his shoulders and push him down, huffing and scrunching my face. A slight smile spreads on his face as he brings himself to hoist himself back up.

I start giggling, trying to keep him off me, as he laughs when he finally pushes my hands down. He suddenly falls from the collapse of my hands and falls a centimeter away from my face.

We both stare at each other for a few moments before he starts leaning closer. And just like ever cliche ass kiss block in those romance movies you watch on friday nights, someone opened the door and interrupted.

"Hey guys breakfast is...."

We both keep eye contact but Suga stops leaning.


He shut his eyes and turned his head only to open them again at a glare.

"Thank you, Jimin."

I turn my head slightly to look at him.

"We'll be right out."

A wide smile spread across his face as he nodded and shut the door.

Suga looks back down at me with a careful gaze. He lifts his hand up and rests it gently on my cheek.

"Let's go eat."

I nod as we both slowly get up.

He opens the door as I swoop underneath his arm and he follows me out to the front room.

The smell of bacon and pancakes filled the air as I turned the corner, only to stop short when I see J-Hope with his shirt off.

And his wing are exposed.

Sent From Heaven (Suga X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now