Chapter 2 - Hogwarts

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~James POV~

The train slowly came to a stop and I could hear compartment doors opening, and trunks being dragged throughout the small hallway. I jumped up, and shook Remus in the shoulder.

"What?" Remus said irritably.

"We're at Hogwarts." I said.

"Oh. Sorry." He closed his book and stood up. We walked out into the corridor, which was now almost empty, except for Lily, Marlene and Alice. I smiled and Lily, and, I think, for the first time in my entire life, she smiled back.

Sirius grinned at me, and I shook my head. Even if we we're friends, she wont ever like me the way I like her. Well, love her. I've loved Lily Evans since my fourth year. But she wont ever love me, let alone like me 'more than friends'.

"Hi Remus!" Lily said.

"Hey Lily. how was your summer?" Remus said, smiling.

"Oh, it was great! I mostly just read all summer. How was yours?" She said, as everyone started walking towards the door out of the train.

"Oh, fine. I mostly just read all summer, too."

"I got a big head start in my Arithmancy text book."

"Oh, me too."

"Only you two can have a lasting conservation about books." Sirius said, jumping off the train.

"Don't judge!" Lily said.

"I would never!" Sirius replied. We all got off the train, and separated into our own carriages, James, Sirius, Remus and Peter in one, me, Alice and Marlene in another.

~Lily POV~

"Oh, I hope the sorting goes quickly! I'm starving!" Marlene whined, as Shailene Holling was sorted into Ravenclaw. The Ravenclaw table cheered.

"Oh, me too." Alice said, when John Ising was sorted into Slytherin. All of Slytherin cheered. About five minutes later, the sorting ended, and Dumbledore stood up.

"To all of you who have just arrived here at Hogwarts for your first time, I welcome you. And to all the rest, welcome back to yet another year at Hogwarts. I hope that you all have a happy and comfortable year at Hogwarts. Now, let the feast begin." Dumbledore finished, as all the plates in the Great Hall filled with food.

"Finally!" Marlene and Alice said, reaching out their arms towards the food.

"Same here!" I said, taking a piece of chicken. The feast went on for about 45 minutes when Dumbledore stood up again.

"Now, I would like to see the new heads. Everyone else, off to bed! Pip pip!" I stood up, and said goodbye to Alice and Marlene, and walked towards Dumbledore. I saw that James was doing the same, except he was at the other end of the table.

"Professor McGonagall will show you your dormitories." Dumbledore said, gesturing to McGonagall.

"Dormitories? I thought we were going to be in the ones we were last year?" I asked.

"No, Ms. Evans, the heads have their own dorms to themselves." McGonagall corrected, and started walking towards the away, with me and James following closely behind her. She led us up to the third floor, and to a portrait with a tall, skinny man asked, "Password?".

"What do you want your password to be?" McGonagall asked. I looked at James and raised my eyebrows.

"How about . . . Anaticula?" James said.

"Sure." I said.

"Well, then that will be your password until you two decide to change it." McGonagall said, and left.

"Why Anaticula?" I asked we walked into our common room.

"Its a spell Sirius does all the time." James said simply. Both of our mouths dropped. The common room was big. It had a nice big fireplace, 2 desks, one on either side of the room, shelves of books, a small couch and 2 loveseats. It had many rugs, which were red and gold, representing Gryffindor.

"Woah." James said. I just nodded. He looked at me and grinned. I grinned back.

"So, what does this Anaticula spell do?"

"It causes the victims wand to have tons of ducks come out through the tip."



"Wow. Well, I'm tired. I'm going to bed." I said, yawning and turning to look at two spate staircases, one had a sign saying 'Headgirl', another saying 'Headboy'.

"Goodnight Lily."

"Goodnight James." I looked back, and saw James still grinning. And as I walked the staircase, I grinned too.

• • •

Sorry this chapter is so short, I just really wanted to have a new chapter done, and I have a lot to do today, so I'm doing it now. I hope you liked it! Please leave suggestions and comments! And vote if you liked it!



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