Chapter 36 - The Prank

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"Lily?" I heard James whisper. I moaned in answer, rolling over onto my side, away from him.

"Lily?" James whispered again, slightly louder. I turned again.

"Lily?" James said aloud, much louder than before, and I jumped.

"Yes, James! What do you need?" I asked, annoyed.

"I'm hungry," James whispered, going back to his tone that he was before.

"Oh, my God, James, go get some food," I sighed.

"I can't make any food!"

"Get Remus or Sirius or Remus or something," I sighed tiredly, turning over again.

"You said Remus twice."

"Go get one of them."

"Okay, but you make the best food."

"Nice try, go get Remus or Sirius." James sighed, and I felt as his weight left the bed, and the door open and close quietly.

I sighed in relief, slowly falling back to sleep again. But just before I could fall asleep, I heard the door open again.

"James, what do you need?" I asked. No answer. "James?"

There was the sound of quiet giggling, and then the splash of ice cold water across my face. I gasped, jumping up and screaming. The light turned on to reveal Sirius and James standing in front of the bed, Sirius with a bucket in hand.

They both burst into laughter. I glanced to my wand to my night stand, took it, and pointed it right to their faces.

"I give you ten seconds to explain," I huffed. Their expressions turned quickly, and they both went pale.

"Ok, ok, we were just playing a prank on you, Evans," Sirius said, dropping the bucket and putting his hands up.

"Please don't call me Evans."

"It's a bad habit!"

"Where's Remus?" She demanded.

"Sleeping!" They exclaimed together.

"And why did you have to prank me so early in the morning?"

"It was supposed to be a joke, Evans — I mean Lily," I sighed, shaking my head.

"Please leave, I need to change." And the two scrambled from the room, shutting the door with a bang behind them.

She changed into dry, clean clothes, drying her hair with a spell Marlene had shown her once. She tied it into a tight bun. She then left their room, and stalked down the hall into the kitchen, where James and Sirius sat at the table, Remus in the kitchen making a cup of tea.

"Morning Remus," I sighed as I sat down at table across from Sirius and James.

"Morning Lily," Remus said, setting a cup of freshly made tea in front me, just the way I liked it with only one sugar cube.

"Thanks," I said, grateful for the warm cup that helped me keep my eyes open.

"You're welcome," He said. "Now, James and Sirius have told me what happened." I glared across the table, and they flinched at my eyes, which most likely looked like daggers.

"They dumped a bucket of ice cold ware on my head." I huffed, taking a sip of the tea.

"To be honest, it was kind of funny," Sirius said, smiling slightly. My glare grew darker, and his small smile vanished.

"And how exactly did this all start?"

"James woke me up, complains that he was hungry, I said go get you or Sirius to make him something, he left, and then, like, thirty minutes later, they came in and just dumped the water on me!" I exclaimed. "I have some very strong words for them!"

"Alright, lets just settle down for a second."

"They're the ones who did it!"

• • •

"That's hilarious," Marlene laughed, clapping her hands together.

"It's not funny! It was barely six when they did it!" I exclaimed.

"That's what makes it funny!" Marlene said, laughing still.

"How would you like it if someone dumped an ice cold bucket of water on you?"

"Not to me, that would just be a death wish," Marlene said thoughtfully. "But to you, it's funny, because you always look like a chipmunk on fire when you're angry."

"At least I don't look like what Dorcas looks like," I muttered quietly, knowing that she could hear me from the kitchen. Marlene burst into laughter, and I saw Dorcas's head poke around one of the pillars in Marlene's flat.

"What's so funny?" Dorcas said, her eyes narrowing.

"Nothing," we said together. Her eyes became, if possible, even more narrowed.

"It's some joke about my name, isn't it?"

"No, definitely not." I said truthfully, though sounding totally guilty.

"You liar! You are making fun of my name!" Dorcas exclaimed, her face scrunching up, looking funny just as me and Marlene were really laughing at.

"No, we were laughing at your angry face," Marlene said, laughing.

"Oh my gosh!" Dorcas said, her angry face growing more funny.

"Dork, your face gets funnier as we sit here." I laughed.

"My angry face shouldn't make you laugh! And don't call me dork, please call me Dorcas or Dora, if you must."

"But Dora doesn't suit you. Dork does!" Dorcas playfully slapped Marlene on the shoulder.

"Come on, lets settle down, now. Where's Alice? Isn't she coming?"

"She said she'd be here at 5," Marlene said, glancing at her watch. "So, in about twenty minutes."

"Well, I'll let Alice decide whether I have a funny angry face then." Dorcas said, crossing her her arms over her chest.

"I'm pretty sure she'll tell you it looks funny,"

• • •

"Definitely it looks funny,"

• • •

Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I know this chapter isn't as long as my other chapters, but here it is! I hope you liked it! Also, I have TWO new stories out, one about Severus Snape, the other a Marauders Instagram! Go check it out!


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