Chapter 18 - NEWT week

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~Lily POV~

I stuffed a piece of toast into my mouth, my eyes glued to the Charms textbook that was propped up on the juice jug. I moved my wand in the same motion as it had told me to, thinking of how I would say the charm when it came to my turn to perform the charm for my test.

I glanced up for a second to see James poured over the Transfiguration textbook, Remus the potions, Sirius and Marlene the Care of Magical Creatures, Alice with the same Charms one as mine. I looked back down to the textbook, trying to memorize all the spells perfectly before the bell rang out.

Eventually, it did ring. Sirius sighed dramatically as he looked up. I got up, stuffing my wand into my bag, but I kept on reading my Charms book all the way down the hall. James steered me a few times from crashing into a wall. But I didn't stop reading until my name was called for my Charms test. I looked at James.

"Don't worry, Lils, you'll do perfectly," he reassured. I nodded,not saying anything, because I was sure that if I opened my mouth, I would throw up. I walked to the door, where Flitwick stood, smiling up at us, a piece of parchment in his hands.

He beckoned us out of the room, down the corridor and into a large room, where there were five dividers along the edge of the room, where four of the five people sat behind them.

"Sirius - with Penasion -" he pointed directed the five of us into our own divider. I was with Professor Flitwick. He led me over to the farthest divider.

"Hey," James said as I walked back to the desk. "How'd it go?"

"Fine," I sighed. I took out my Transfiguration textbook, and started to read through it. After a while, James had gotten up to take his own test. Once everyone finished nearly an hour later, me and James went to our own common room, and Alice, Remus, Peter, Marlene and Sirius went to the Gryffindor common room.

When we got back to the common room, me and James sat side by side next to each other on the couch, me reading through my copy of Hogwarts: A History, James his Advanced Potions book. At some point I fell asleep, having stayed up for nearly the entire night studying.

• • •

I felt a soft nudge in my ribs. I rolled over onto my side away from whoever was nudging me.

"Lily," someone said softly.

"Hmmm," I hummed, trying to fall back asleep.

"Lily, you need to wake up, you'll be late for your exam -" I opened my eyes and jumped up, staring at James. James glanced at his watch again.

"You need to go now," James said.

"What - what time is it?" I asked, franticly stuffing my books and quills and ink in my bag.

"Three fifty,"

"Okay, okay, my test is at four, okay," I breathed. "Wait - if it's three fifty, did I really sleep for - what - nearly five hours?"

"Well, you just looked so peaceful, and I didn't want to wake you, and you fell asleep on my shoulder and I wanted to have that feeling for a little while, 'cause I never thought that I would." I smiled at him.

"Your sweet." James grinned.

"Can I walk you down?"

"Yeah, sure." James jumped up, grinning at me. I held out my hand, and he took it, squeezing lightly. Then I remembered that I had an exam in five minutes.

"C'mon, James, hurry, we've got to go!" I pulled him out of the portrait, running down the corridor, James' hand still held tightly in my own. We ran all the way down the staircases, into the Entrance Hall, and into the Great Hall. The four tables were gone, and instead, taking their place were many desks and chairs. Professor Binns floated a few inches above the floor, behind what was his own desk at the front of the Hall.

"Well, good luck," James said.

"Thanks." I stood up on my tiptoes, and kissed him on the cheek lightly, waved, and walked into the Great Hall. I found myself standing next to Remus. His face was quite pale, but he gave me a confident look.

"How are you, Lily?" he asked.

"I'm fine. Very nervous. But, how are you? I haven't been to be around to much all this year. I miss our friendship."

"I'm well, thank you for asking. I miss our friendship, too. Well, maybe if you and James get married in the future, we'll be able to see each other much more often." I gave Remus a look, and he grinned.

"I guess that would be a win-win for both of us,"

"You'd really think about marrying James?"

"I've thought of it," I admitted.

"So . . . you really like him?"

"Remus, of course I do - wait are you asking me this just so you can report back to James?" Remus' raised his eyebrows, looking at the ground, biting his lip. "Remus?"

"James told me that he'd give me lots of chocolate frogs if I told him this - but if you don't want me to tell him, I won't."

"It's okay - you can tell him if you'd like. I don't mind."

"Thanks Lily."

"Oh course, Remus. To be honest, I've been wanting to tell James for a while, but I haven't found the courage to tell him." Remus nodded.

"U'll tell him for you."

"Hey, now it's a double win-win."

• • •



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