Chapter 4 - 'Feelings?' or 'Feelings!'

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~Lily POV~

A few weeks had past from the first day back, and things between me and James seemed . . . different from the last six years. Alice and Marlene said that it was feeling changes, and I guess that's true. Well, I definitely don't hate James anymore . . . well, hate is a strong word. I would say "Not particularly like him that much". But, now, he's changed. I just tell that he has.

And what was all about that blushing in Potions? I've never blushed like that before. And in front of James? Well, maybe you like him, I voice in my head says. No, you cant possibly like him! another voice says.

"Lils? Lils?" Alice says, waving her hand in front of my face. I shake my head, clearing it from my thoughts.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Well, we just wanted to know if you wanted to talk to us. You look like you've been having some thoughts. Wanna talk it out?" Marlene asks, looking concerned.

"Oh, yeah, sure. Lets talk,"

"Well, we think its about James, but if you don't want to talk about him, or-" Alice starts.

"Yeah, it is about James, actually. It's just, I've been having some . . . feeling changes."

"Oooh, what kind of feeling changes?" Marlene asks, rubbing her hands together, the both of them grinning.

"Well, I don't know. That's the problem. I mean, I like him, but do I like him? You know, like like him?"

"Well, have you been noticing him more than you usually would? And in a good way?"

"Well, I just cant stop worrying about how I feel. He's been very different, and . . . I don't know. I guess, now, I actually care if he likes me. I mean, I want him to like me! But, now I'm not so sure which way anymore."

~James POV~

I knock on Lily's door. The talking stops imidiatly. Lily opens the door, blushing. I smile when I see her, and we stare at each other for a while until Alice and Marlene yell at the same time, "Hey James!"

"Oh, sorry, did you need something?" Lily asks, blushing a deep red.

"Oh, nothing,I was just wondering if I could talk to Lily?" I ask, my heart beating, fast. Lily looked back at Marlene and Alice, and they nodded.

"Sure." She said. We walked down to our common room. I wanted to ask Lily and see if she wanted to go to Hogsmade with me. When I said this in front of Sirius, Remus and Peter, Sirius forced me to ask her.

"So- I was- er -wondering if- you know- that maybe you'd- that you'd- want-to-go-to-Hogsmade-with-me? I said, looking down, not wanting to see her reaction, because I knew that it would hurt.

"Of course!" I heard her say. She threw her arms around my neck. I hesitated before I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her tight.

~Lily POV~

His warm body pulls me tight, and I smile. I take a deep breath in, smelling conditioner and grass. I take it all in. I don't know how long we stay like that, but when we pull apart, it's because Sirius says, "Hey, Lovebirds!" Walking into the common room. I blush, and say, "See you." I turn and run up the stairs.

"See you!" James yells.

~James POV~

"Padfoot! What're you doing?" I ask, trying hard not to let my face go red.

"Well, I was just going to see if you had asked Evans out yet. So, I'm guessing its a yes?"

"Yeah, she said yes, but I don't think she thinks its a 'date',"

"Maybe she does Prongs."

"I really don't think so."

~Lily POV~

When I opened the door to my room, the sound of squeals filled the air. Alice and Marlene pulled me inside the room quickly, and shut the door.

"What did he say?" Alice asked.

"He just asked me to Hogsmade next weekend-"

"Oh, I knew he would have done something!" Marlene said.

"But did you say yes?"

"Of course I did."

"See! This is what we we're talking about!"

"What do you mean?"

"You have feelings for James, even if you cant see it now."

"I really don't think that I have feelings for James-"

"Then why did you say yes to going to Hogsmade with? Why did you hug him for three minutes straight?"

"You were spying on us?!"


"Okay, and also, I seriously don't think that I hugged James for three minutes straight."

"Well, it seemed like three minutes. You would have hugged longer if it wasn't for Sirius walking in."

"Well, its not like I really thought about going to Hogsmade with James, I just said yes without thinking about it."

"This is why we know you have feelings for James. You know you're going to be with him without thinking about it. You don't have to put to much thought into it, because you like him."

• • •

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I just kept changing my mind on what's happening, and such. And, sorry its such a short chapter. But, I really hope that you liked this chapter, and please vote if you did! And, please leave suggestions and comments!



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