Chapter 6 - Amortentia and Patronuses

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~Lily POV~

Me, Alice and Marlene walk to our first class of the day, Potions. When we arrive at the classroom, surprisingly, the Marauders are the only ones waiting. They're talking in quiet voices, and don't notice us.

"Hey guys," Marlene says loudly. "Why are you four here so early?" they quickly turn around, looking innocent.

"Oh, hey girls," Remus says, starting to look excited. "Do you know what the next Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson is?"

"No, what?" I say.

"Patronuses. We have ours mastered." Sirius says proudly.

"Really? Cool! I've always wanted to try Patronuses!" Me and Alice say.

"What're your Patronuses then?" Marlene asks.

"You'll see." Sirius says. After a couple minutes, the rest of the class arrives, and Slughorn greets us.

"Hello class," Slughorn booms. "Come on in, come on in." We all find our seats, me, Marlene and Alice at the front, The Marauders in the back. "We will be brewing," He lifts the top off of a cauldron, and a wonderful smell wafts into the air. It smells very familiar, but I cant seem to put my dinger on it. "Amortentia. Now, who here can tell me what Amortentia is?" I raise my hand. "Yes, Ms. Evans?"

"Amortentia is a love potion - the most powerful love potion in the world," I say, closing my eyes and taking in the smell again.

"Very good, Ms. Evans. Five points for Gryffindor. And, who here can tell me how we know it is Amortentia?" I raise my hand, but he doesn't call on me. "Yes, Mr. Potter?"

"It smells different to each of us, based on what attracts us. For example, I smell fresh lily flowers, perfume and parchment." James says, his face slowly growing red.

"Good, another five points for Gryffindor," Slughorn says. "Now, I'm going to pair you up, and in pairs, you will brew this potion. Now, I would like . . . Marlene with Sirius, Alice with Frank, Remus with Peter, Severus with Evan, James with Lily," (and so on) Everyone got up and went to their partners.

"I'll get the ingredients, you can start the water in the cauldron." I instruct. James nods, and I go to the cupboard and get the ingredients.

"I cant smell anything," James says, both of us leaning over the cauldron, looking at the potion.

"No, I am 100% sure we did this correctly." I say, quickly looking over the instructions. We did everything perfectly . . . but why cant we smell anything?

"Um, Professor?" I ask Slughorn, as he walks by.

"Yes?" He says, looking at our cauldron. Then, his face lights up with pride and happiness. "I see you have brewed this potion perfectly! Good job!"

"No, we cant smell anything," James says, looking confused.

"No, Mr. Potter, you have brewed this potion exactly as I hoped all of you would do!"

"But . . . Professor, why cant we smell anything then? I smelled the potion you had made earlier, and that was made perfectly . . . but now, I cant smell anything." I say.

"Ms. Evans, think about it. What you smelled at my desk is the same thing you are smelling now. Am I correct?" I nod.

"But . . . that means . . ." Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no. James is going to know now.

"Yes, yes. Class dismissed!" Slughorn said happily. I quickly pack my things into my bag, and leave the room, blushing furiously, and thankfully, I'm the first one out. I hurry to my next class, Transfiguration, and make sure that my seat is as far away from James as possible. When Alice and Marlene ask me why I left so quickly, and why my face was so red, I just said that it was nothing, even though it definitely wasn't nothing.

• • •

The next day, me and James were acting normally, but there was a thin sheet of tension between us yet. I still haven't told Alice and Marlene what had happened and why I was so red, but they didn't bother me much about it, and I'm thankful. Today, we're going to be doing Patronuses in Defense Against the Dark Arts, and I'm looking forward to it.

"Now, class, I want you to think of the happiest memory you can remember, and say 'Expecto Patronum' clearly. Go." Professor Kerrier said. We all moved away from our desks, spreading out. The room filled with students talking.

"Expecto Patronum," I mutter. A silvery wisp of smoke erupted from my wand. Definitely not good enough. I try again. "Expecto Patronum." More silver smoke comes from my wand, and now, I can make out four thin, skinny legs. I smile, and try again.

I look over at everyone else, but only James, Sirius, Remus and Peter have gotten their Patronuses. A stag, a large dog, a wolf and a rat run around the classroom. I try and try some more.

Finally, a white beautiful doe come from the tip of my wand, and I grin in triumph.

"Very good, Ms. Evans!" Professor Kerrier says, nodding.

"Thanks, Professor!" I say.

"Only you, James, Sirius, Remus and Peter have completed producing one, much more than I expected on our first day! Well, that will be all for today, class dismissed!" I happily pack my bag, when Alice and Marlene give me funny looks.

"What?" I say as we walk out of the classroom to the Great Hall.

"Its just that . . . did you see James's patronus?" Alice asks.

"No - well, I saw that the four of them produced one, but I didn't see who did which."

"James's patronus is a stag, Lils." Marlene says.


"Your patronus is a doe, Lils. Put it together."

"Oh no. No, not possible, sorry." My face is now growing red.

"Oh yes, Lils, it is possible!" Alice says.

"Just because my patronus is a doe, and James's is a stag, doesn't mean anything! Its just a patronus!"

"Sure. Notice my sarcasm." Marlene says.

"No-" I try.

"Yes." The both say.

• • •



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