Chapter 9 - The Halloween Dance

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~Lily POV~

I looked in the long mirror in my bedroom. I was guess I looked good enough. I had a knee-length, simple black dress, black heels, a little bit of makeup, with red lips and dark eye shadow and mascara. Alice and Marlene had gone downstairs a few minutes earlier, but I wanted to stay up longer. Now, as I walk down the my staircase, I can feel my hands shaking, my breathing quaver, my ankles seem wobbly.

When I get down to the common room, the only person waiting is James. He's sitting at his desk, staring at the ceiling, a blank expression on his face. I'm thankful its just him here, and not everyone else. I assume that Alice went to go see Frank in the Gryffindor common room, and Remus, Peter, Sirius and Marlene followed.

"Thanks for waiting for me," I say as confidently as I can, but it comes out shaky. He looks up, startled a little, but grins when he see's me. He's wearing jet black dress robes, and I can see he's cleaned up as much as he can, except for his hair, witch I'm sure will always stay messy no matter how much sleek-easy he puts into it. But I love his messy hair.

"Well, of course I waited. I couldn't leave without you," He says. "You look stunning." I can feel heat rushing to my cheeks, but try to ignore how noticeable my blush looks.

"And you look very handsome." He puts out his arm, and I take hold of it, leaning on him. The smell of grass and chocolate wafts to my nose, and I inhale deeply.

"Lily, are you smelling me?" James asks in a voice that sounds like he's holding back laughter.

"No . . ." I say. "Umm, have you ever . . . been to one of these dances before?" I ask, changing the subject.

"No," He answers. "Have you?"


"Well, its a first for both of us." I smile up at him, and for a second, I think of reaching up, and kissing him hard on the mouth. But I don't. Not here, not now. When walk into the Great Hall, its packed. All the boys, wearing dress robes, all the girls with short or long dresses, many different colors.

A band is playing in the background, on either side of the Hall, there are tables full to the brim with food and drinks. The lights are turned down low, but in the corners of the Hall, there is beams of colorful light shinning.

I spot Sirius and Marlene on the dance floor, slow dancing, and I'm surprised Sirius would ever slow dance. I can see at a table towards the far right corner, Remus, Alice and Frank sit, talking. Me and James head over there.

• • •

I find myself out on the dance floor, one arm on James's shoulder, one in his hand. His free hand is on my waist, and when he had set it there, it sent the butterflies in my stomach go insane. We stand there, moving our feet slowly and quietly, in a small circle. James asks me about how my life was before I knew I was a witch.

I tell him about how me and Petunia were best friends before I met Severus, how me and Severus were best friends, and how, although I always liked Sev and thought of him as my best friend, it always seemed distant. When I was sorted into Gryffindor, there was a sort of tension between us. I met Alice and Marlene, Severus met Mulicibur and Avery, and we slowly grew apart.

I asked him about what his life was like before Hogwarts. He tells me that ever since he was five, he had wanted to go to Hogwarts, to play for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, ride on a real broom, not a toy broomstick. I ask him what was the best thing that happened to him when he got to Hogwarts.

"You." He says simply. This is my chance, I lean in to kiss him, and I feel him lean in, to. Then, an oblivious Sirius buts in.

"Hey! Switch off!" He yells, and Marlene gives me a sympathetic look as Sirius pulls me away from James without getting in a kiss.

"Sirius?! What the hell?" I say in a shouting whisper.

"What? I wanted to talk to you," He says defensively. "I just wanted to say, that if you ever hurt my Jamesie-" I cut him off.

"Sirius, why did you need to stop - that - happening?! You could've told me after the dance!"

"But I wanted you to know! And Marls wanted to give Jamesie a talk, too."

"Ugh. Whatever. Fine." I say. I dance the next few minutes with Sirius in silence.

• • •

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating in a while, I just have a really packed schedule with school and swim practice, its just been really hard. Alright, here's chapter 9! How did you like it? Please vote and leave comments and feedback!



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