Chapter 8 - Breaking the Tradition

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~Lily POV~

"So . . . when are you going to ask James to the Dance?" Alice asked. I blushed, and shook my head. We were sitting in mine and James's common room together. The Marauders were off doing something else.

"I'm not going to ask him," I said. "If he asks me, I might say yes, but I still doubt he'll ask me."

"Lils, you need to promise us that if he doesn't ask you, even though we absolutely know he will, you have to ask him." Marlene says.

"I dunno-"

"Promise!" They said together.

"Okay, okay, fine. But if he already has another date, I will not ask him."

"Fine, but if he doesn't have a date, your asking him." Alice said, and Marlene giggled.

"Okay . . . so what about you and Sirius, Marls?" I asked, teasing her. She blushed.

"Yes, I think Sirius is going to ask me." I nodded.

"And you Al?"

"I hope Frank will ask me." There was silence for a few seconds.

"Wait, why do the guys all have to ask the girls? Why can't the girls ask the guys?" I said.

"I think we should break that tradition." Marlene said, raising her eye brows. We nodded. We talked about how we would ask them, laughing and sharing evil grins.

• • •

The first to ask was Alice. Her hands were shaking slightly, but she had a confident smile on her face. It was during lunch, after a boring History of Magic period. The three of us sat in our usual spots, nearest to the entrance/exit. When Frank walked in, laughing with his friends, Fabian and Gideon Prewett. (Just saying, Fabian and Gideon are Molly Weasley's brothers.)

Alice stood up, looking nervous. I gave her a reassuring smile, and she nodded.

"Hey, Frank," She said. "Could I talk you? Alone?"

"Yeah." They walked out of the Hall. A couple minutes later, they walked back into the Hall, both looking happy. Me and Marlene grinned, and when Alice sat down, she immediately started talking about what happened.

"He said yes!" Alice said excitedly.

"Awesome! That's great! Part one of 'Breaking the Tradition', accomplished." Marlene said.

"I'm so happy for you!" Then, the bell rang, and we went to class. Tomorrow, Marlene would ask Sirius.

• • •

The next day, after all our classes had finished, Marlene was ready to ask Sirius. We ate our dinner, and when almost everyone had gone from the Great Hall, Marlene went up and asked him.

"Sirius." She started.

"Marls." He said back. Marlene blushed slightly, and smiled.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance with me?"

"Are you kidding me? I was going to ask you the same thing!" Marlene hugged Sirius tightly, the both of them grinning ear to ear. I pumped my hand in the air, smiling, and Alice jumped up and down, squealing 'Yes, yes, yes!'. I headed back my own common room with James, smiling. Then I remembered that we had rounds to do.

"James, wait, we have to do rounds," I said. "Oh, I almost forgot." I checked my watch, and sighed. It was 7:47. We don't start rounds until 8:00.

"Alright," James checked his watch as well, and nodded. "So, I guess we should head to Minnie's classroom?" I nodded. Then it hit me.

"Why do you call Professor McGonagall 'Minnie'?" I asked, giggling.

"She loves it. Sirius came up with it, except, he calls her 'Minnie G'. But that's not really a big difference, though." We walked the rest of the way in silence, but thankfully, it wasn't an awkward silence. When we arrived, I knocked on the door, and Professor McGonagall opened it, looking very tired.

"Good evening, Ms. Evans and Mr. Potter." She said wearily.

"Good evening." We said together.

"Well, I know you both know what to do." We nodded, and she gave us a small smile. "Alright. Good night, you two." She left, walking down the corridor towards her office. We started our rounds. After about an hour, I decided to brake the silence.

"Hey, James?"


"Umm, I was just . . . wondering if you . . . um . . . would . . . would you like to go to the dance with me?" I said. The last bit sounded more like, 'woudyolikgothedancewitme?'. James looked at me, confused.


"I'm sorry . . . lets try this again. Would you . . . like to go . . . to the dance . . . with me?" I asked slowly, trying to make my words sound more like words. James's face lit up.

"Your really asking me? Me? Really?" He asked. I nodded slowly, blushing furiously, looking down. "Of course I will! I never thought you would ask me! And I was going to ask you later this week, and I was really nervous that you would say no."

"Really? Okay, good. See, me and Alice and Marlene were thinking of 'breaking the tradition', since all the guys always ask the girls to dances, why not have the girls ask the guys?"

"Nice." He was still grinning, and I was still blushing. We did the rest of our rounds, and then went to bed, the only other words we said to each other were 'Night, James.' or 'Night, Lily.'. I went to bed that night giddy and happy that James Potter had said yes.

• • •

Hey guys! Thank you all for the votes and reads and comments! I really appreciate it! Sorry, this chapter was kinda crappy, but I promise the next chapter will be better! Also, how do you guys like the new cover? I love it! Its super cute, but not my art of course. Please comment on how you like the new cover, or if I should go back to my other cover.



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