Chapter 27 - The visit with Petunia and Vermin

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—James POV—

"Next Wednesday, we're going to see Petunia and her husband for dinner."

"What?" I said. Lily frowned at me. "Why?"

"Because my Mum insists that we have dinner, now that she's got a husband, and I've got a serious boyfriend."

"But why does she insist it? I don't plan on wanting to meet Vernon again. He acted like I wasn't even there when I went with you to their wedding."

"I don't like him either, but me and Petunia have to play nice in front of Mum. If she see's us not being totally kind and sisterly to each other, she'll burst into tears."


"Because . . . I didn't want to tell you, because I knew you'd make a big deal out of it, I knew you'd want to be more protective than usual, and I'm not saying I don't love it, I just —"

"Lily, spit it out. I need to know."

"Well — well my Dad's gotten rather sick, and — and they don't think he'll live to the end of the year, and Mum just wants me and Petunia to love each other for my Dad." Lily mumbled, staring at the ground. I folded Lily into my arms, and held her tight. We stayed like that for a minute, until Lily pulled away, her face red, and eyes slightly puffy.

"Where are we meeting them?" I asked, and she smiled.

"Some place in London. I know it's definitely a fancy place, so we'll have to dress up."

• • •

~Lily POV~

We appeared in a dark alley way that we usually apparated to when we went into London. We walked towards the sidewalk in the city, and drifted into the crowds of Muggles.

Snow fell down lightly into the streets, and I realized that it must be close to Winter by now. I hadn't been acknowledging that winter was coming.

"Did you know winter was here?" James asked me.

"No, I've been a bit too preoccupied with all the Order things we have to do. I can't believe it, Christmas must be coming soon." I replied.

"I think it's, like November 29th, so yeah, almost December."

"What a great way to start to holidays, meeting with Petunia and Vermin." I said darkly.

"I thought his name was Vernon." James said.

"It is, but I call him Vermin as a nick name."

"Nice nickname," James laughed.

"Yes, I called him that once on accident when they were still dating, and it kinda stuck."

"Wait, you called him Vermin on accident?"

"Yes! It's one of the million reasons why they hate me, but then again, it's one of my funniest memories, even if I was told off by my Mum." We talked all the way down the road, to where the fancy little shop was. We walked in, looking around, and a strict looking woman walked up to us, her lips pressed firmly together.

"Do you have a reservation?" The woman asked, looking us up and down.

"Yes, well, we're with the Dursleys." I said. The woman nodded, and motioned for us to follow as she strode off through the restaurant. She stopped in front of a very small table, where Petunia and Vernon sat.

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