Chapter 8 Warmth

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Damn this writer's block :( I would have liked to write further but my brain has just not been working. So apologies

But thank you all again for reading my book(s) and all the comments and likes. Honestly, it means so much XX



I spend the rest of the day trying to get hold of Felix thought it's pretty useless. At about four o clock, when I'm starting to think he might regret being my mate, he finally shows up. He looks worn out, his hair dishevelled with leaves stuck in his curls.

"Are you okay?" he enters my house, giving me a nod, "Just happy to be by you again"

"Where'd you go?" I asked, closing the front door.

"Just had to deal with something" he shrugged, wrapping me in a hug. My brain immediately started to fog with happiness and my wolf let out a happy whimper. Worry disappeared and was replaced with longing and contempt.

"Is it dealt with?" I whispered, giving him a light smile.

"Will be soon enough" he said, giving me a tight squeeze, "I'm sorry I had left"

"It's okay – what happened?"

My mate let out a groan and I could feel his hands forming fist on my back.

"He just... he just gets on my nerves sometimes. And now that I have you – it's even worse. Like what the hell is with the have you mated her yet? I'm not just going to flipping..." his words trailed off, his breathing heavy.

"Felix" the word surprised me. It was laced with warmth and kindness. I didn't think I had been able to produce that kind of feeling through a word. My mate suddenly leaned away, staring at me. Those autumn eyes sucking in my soul. His mouth slowly transformed into a grin and he lightly placed his hands around my wrists. I could feel his fingers delicately skimming my wrists, they moving in slow, steady circles.

"This whole mate-thing is pretty bizarre isn't it?" he said, the words coming out as a whisper.

I only nodded, feeling my cheeks heating up. I slowly moved onto my tiptoes, giving my mate a quick peck. It was almost instant as the fireworks erupted in my stomach. When I moved my head away however, Felix pulled me back – deepening the kiss. His lips were like magic, making warmth spread through my body. I wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling as if I was flying. Inside my head, my wolf was going nuts once again, howling and barking. Felix let out a chuckle, leaning away a bit but his forehead still leaned on mine.

"Have you gotten control of your wolf yet?"

I bit my lip, grinning widely. Lightly shaking my head, Felix gave me a quick kiss on the nose, "Me neither"

My smile widened and the corners of my lips actually started to hurt but I really didn't care. I was happy. Felix stayed with me for a while, we cuddling while watching some random television show until he had to leave again. That left me to continue to watch this show but really more about thinking of my mate...

And strangely enough – Chase.

I was about halfway with watching a show about random teenagers, my mind 90% captured by a boy with chocolate eyes when those orbs turned grey. Nostalgia made me shut the television off and close my eyes. Was he doing okay?

A small part of me wished that he had stayed when I woke up thought I had no idea where that came from. It would have in any case been so awkward. Like – o sorry guy I spent my heat with and almost mated with, but here's my actual mate. Hope you guys don't kill each other.

Yeah, that would have not worked. I sighed, wishing for some clarity to fill my mind. A girl wasn't supposed to be thinking of anyone else EXCEPT her mate. Maybe my heat had done something to screw with that? But that would still not matter.

Felix was my mate. We've spent moments together that proved it. As soon as he had mated me, I know things would go better-

A sudden shrill sound knocked my thoughts out of my brain and made me almost stumble off of the coach. I rushed to the doorbell, well aware that I had never actually gotten out of Felix's t-shirt. Opening the door, I saw my parents both eyeing me sceptically thought they were both still smiling.

"Felix asked us if he can take you out again tonight." Mom said, entering the house.

My face immediately warped back into a smile, "What time?"

"In about an hour – so you better go get dressed" Dad said, winking. I nodded, giving them both quick pecks on the cheeks before rushing upstairs.

Somehow, I felt like this night was going to important. I rushed through a shower and then took the time I would have used under the water to decide what to wear.

Dammit... I was bad at picking clothes. In the end, after throwing out the content of my closet and feeling like I belonged in a girly sitcom, I got dressed in a dark red strappy dress with a slim black belt. Inspecting myself in the mirror, I tried to get my hair to behave and to not resemble a clown as I placed the minimum amount of makeup on my face.

I was just finishing up when the doorbell rang. Glancing at myself once more in the mirror, I rushed downstairs. Mom and Dad had let him in and when he turned his head towards me, his face immediately morphed into a smile.

I couldn't help but grin as well, hearing my wolf barking in my head.

"You look really pretty" Felix said and I noted how his cheeks reddened.

"Thanks" I swear my cheeks were about twice as red as his.

"Thank you Mrs and Mrs. Chambers, I'll take care of her" Felix took hold of my hand, giving it a squeeze. My parents nodded, telling us to be safe before Felix guided me out of the house.

"So, what are the plans?"

"I think I out to surprise you" he chuckled, making me instantly happily nervous.

"Can I have a hint?"

My mate chuckled and shook his head, pulling meforward    

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