Chapter 32 Worry

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Remember when I had said nothing could ruin my happiness with Felix. I think the universe was just waiting for me to think that to come and fluff everything up. Just sitting at my home, minding my own business, everything got ruined with a damn knock on my damn door. Damn.

I got up, my heart racing as my wolf sensed Felix behind the closed entrance.

"Afternoon" I smiled, throwing my arms around his neck immediately, "I've missed you"

"Missed you too, what you up to?"

"Nothing much, reading" I grinned, giving him a peck on the nose.

"What you reading?" Felix asked as we headed inside.

"That book for English Studies. Thought it's about time I greet Jay Gatsby" I smiled, heading towards the couch.

"Should probably start reading it as well" Felix sighed, "But will probably just watch the movie in the end" he said, making me flinch. Being one of those anti-movie people when it came to books, it kind of hurt that Felix wasn't like that.

"We can always read it together?" I grinned.

Felix gave me a peck on the cheek, "Maybe but I hold no promises" he said, "Listen (heart started to raise, O crap. I hated that word), my um... you're not going to be happy"

"Are you breaking up with me?" the words are blurted out before I could stop them. Shit, way to act dumb Lily.

Felix lifts an eyebrow before letting out a chuckle, "O squirrel, you crack me up" he said, enveloping me in a big hug. I can feel my cheeks heating up but am kind of too happy at the moment that, that wasn't the case.

"My dad wants to have dinner with you tonight" he said. My heart immediately dropped to my stomach and I started to feel overly nervous.

"Wh – why?" I asked, leaning away from him.

"He wants to get to know he's son mate or something. Don't worry, I'll be there and if he insults you we can leave and go get some McD's or something"

I nod, biting my lip. The alpha. Alpha Richard. The guy that didn't quite like me that much as I wanted him to. Ever since Felix had gotten harmed in that stupid battle, I had been getting dirty looks from him.

And that morning he had caught me in his son's room, I swear he was going to ban me from Moonlight right there.

"I can tell him you said no?"

My head whips towards Felix and my expression can only be described as, "ARE YOU CRAZY!?"

"No Felix. It's... it's fine. I'll be there" I said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Okay great" Felix said even if he sounded about the opposite of the words, "I'll pick you up at six?"

I nodded, getting another peck on the head. Six o clock. That was four hours away. Was there any way that in those four hours I could self-combust?

Felix stays with me a while longer, helping me to calm my nerves but when he leaves, all the nerves return. I go shower and try to make myself look like a good pretty mate but dammit... I wasn't pretty nor (at this stage in my life) any good. Inspecting myself in the mirror I try not to flinch. I look like a china doll. My hair had somehow decided to play along tonight and is in soft curls dangling over my shoulders. On my head I had placed a headband but now I'm questioning it. It's black and pretty with a bow but it looks stupid. Along with this, I had put on a navy long sleeved dress with a black jersey over it. Along with some ballet flats, I am the perfect example of what not to wear when you go meet the parents. The parents being the alpha who doesn't like you.

I sigh, throwing off the head band.

"Hey no, I liked that"

Whipping around I see Felix standing by the doorway, smiling at me.

"What... what are you doing here?"

"Your parents let me in. I came bit early because I knew you were going to need me" he said, putting his arms around me, "Guess I was right huh squirrel"

"I'm not nervous" I mumble, leaning into him. His scent immediately calms down my wrecked nerves.

"Then why are you doubting everything about yourself?" he asked.

"I am not!"

"Lily, I've known you my whole life. I know when your internally battling with yourself" he said, giving me a kiss on the cheek before his arms leave me. I watch as he goes over to my bed, picking up the headband.

"Now, listen to me. You are perfect and beautiful. You are amazing and it doesn't matter what my dad thinks of you. And after tonight he's in any case going to love you and regret feeling anything crappy about you" as he said the words, the band is placed back on my head and he holds my face so I'm starring at him.

"How did I get so lucky to have a mate like you?" I smiled. Felix lightly chuckles before giving me another hug.

"We should get going" he said, enveloping his hand in mine. I nod and try not to wish to vanish at the stage.

Things are going to be fine. They're going to be perfect.

I should stop saying stuff like that. I honestly should.

It triggers bad moments.


Damn, I really need someone to just come and slap me for skipping weeks. Guys i'm really, really sorry but life has gotten so hectic. I know its no excuse but its the truth. I literally go to school at 5:30 and then leave at 4:00, get home at 6 and then I do projects until I'm so tired I can't think straight. 

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