Chapter 12 House

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When I arrive at Felix's house, the place is quiet and seemingly empty. Yet, anger is fuelling me at the moment. I scramble through one of the windows – really not caring how creepy it seemed – before looking around the house.

The first floor was void of existence and I went to scramble up the stairs. My footsteps echo as I move down the hallway, all three of the doors open. Bathroom – empty. Alpha Richard's bedroom – empty (luckily, did not need to explain to my alpha why I had snuck into his house with a tearstained face). My asshole mate's room – empty. I sighed and then I heard it.

Perking up, I rushed down the stairs, hoping that Felix had just entered the house. But what I found was completely nothing.

Now I was hearing things too... could this day go any worse? I walked around the first floor, double checking if the place was actually empty before heading out the backdoor and checking there as well.

Where the hell was our 'dear' alpha-family?

Groaning, I headed back inside – frustration growing.

And then I hear the same noise again. It sounds like hissing and then there's a yell. The caring side in me takes over as I look around desperately for the source.

My eyes land on Alpha Richard's office. The door is open yet I'm still hesitant to step in there. Dammit Lily, get some guts. I rush towards the door, looking around the seemingly empty and normal room.

Yet when there's another howl my senses take over. It's coming from under the floor. Under this wooden floor.... With the huge carpet.

So, all those movies with the stupid trap door? No... I can't be living in one of those right now right? What's next, bookcase leads to a secret passageway?

My heart is thumping as I move the carpet away.

I'm living in a movie.


BOOM! Okay next few chapters are coming Sunday.

BTW just a quick note: Crossing Borders was published yesterday a month ago. One month guyysss :p Can you believe it!?!?!? Scrappy little illeterate me's book was published a month ago and people (seemingly) liked it eeekkkkk 

Loves u all and thank you so so so much for the support


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