Chapter 11 Reality

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Once I got home, I went straight to my room – preparing for the warmth of bed. Thought, I only got to put on my pyjamas when the doorbell rang. Dammit... I groaned but knew that I still had to go and open. My parents were already at work but they might have forgotten something.

I headed downstairs, my wolf somehow starting to act weird.

Any normal person would have listened to her stupid wolf, but I'm not normal. As I opened the door it was as if the Ice Queen had come into the room.

"Well if it isn't little Alpha Squirrel" only Jenna could make you feel bad about finding your mate.

"What do you want?" I asked, trying to stop my wolf from coming through.

"I'm here to help if you believe it or not" Jenna said and typical Mean Girl style, she flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"I don't need or want your help" I said and tried to close the door but she placed her glittery healed foot in front of it. Who wears heals? They're unpractical and make you almost three times as clumsy.

"Why do you think we headed to the Hellwood border? We've never run that way before?" I frowned, opening the door a bit, "Stop spreading rumours"

"Rumour? Sweetie only Felix and I know this. If anyone else knows then he'll lose his position" she was smirking. She was evilly smirking, "You know that last day of classes when you were just soooo 'nice' to your little mate? Well, we got sick of it. So, congratulations – guess who got revenge?"

I sucked in a breath, gulping. Inside my head, my wolf was whimpering.

No... no... Felix wouldn't do that...

"We went to that border to give you – our little human loser – a scare. And the only reason he was so obsessed about getting you back..."

"Shut up" I whispered, my ears ringing. I could feel tears dwelling in my eyes but I tried to keep them in. I had to be strong now. This was a standoff. She wanted a standoff. And I COULDN'T just become a blubbering idiot. I glared at her, she still smirking.

"Don't you dare talk about my mate like that" I said through gritted teeth, "Let me close my door please?"

She shrugged, her stupid heal finally leaving my door alone.

"I'm just saying – I'd be careful over who I decide to mate with" she said and turned around. O how badly I wanted to attack her. Instead, I closed the door – feeling my head spinning.

My wolf was whimpering and it took me a while to notice I was doing the same. My mate. No, Felix – the asshole he has always been – had gotten me kidnapped.

On purpose.

I slid down onto the floor, waves of sadness crashing down on me. I don't know how long I sat like that, my mind spinning, but at one stage it seemed that I had turned into a zombie.

I gulped, wiping off the dried tears off of my face before standing up. I needed explanation. Blinking a few times, getting the final tears to disappear, I head upstairs. I throw on the first dress I can and then rush out of the house. 

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