Chapter 20 Wrong Choice

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I'm sitting in my office, my brain trying to not fall asleep when there's a sudden commotion from the outside. I get up from my seat and just as I'm about to open the door, it suddenly swings open. A girl, wearing an oversized t-shirt and looking way too familiar is dragged into the room along with my two betas and their warriors.

"What is this?" I asked, peering at the young girl. Blood is dripping from her neck, ruining my floor.

"She crossed the border" Lori responded.

"Now, why would she do that?" I mumbled, inspecting the girl. Her eyes lightly flutter open and as if on instinct the two warriors tighten the grip on her arms. She lets out a groan before her head slightly lifts and when her eyes fall on me, they instantly go wide.

"Alpha!" she said, her voice actually clear.

"Well if it isn't our little escapee"

"I... I..."

"You sure know how to create trouble for yourself don't you" I lift her chin up with my fingers, inspecting her scared, but somehow determined face.

"I came to... I came to talk to you"

"So, you risked your life to come Talk to me?" I said, not helping but to smile. From all the things a Moonlighter could do?

"I knew your pack was stupid, but crossing the border? You guys are by far..."

"Please, let me just explain" she said, reaching forward.

I looked at the two warriors, giving them both a nod. They immediately let her go, she falling onto her hands.

"Get up"

The girl scrambles too her feet, fumbling with her hands.

"You all my leave" my fellow pack-members look at me shocked but they know not to cross me. Certainly not when my best friend was missing. As the last one left, I grabbed the girl's arm, pulling her to the front of my desk.

"Stay" I growled as I moved to my side. I eyed her the whole time. How that determined look faded from her eyes as she came to realise her own stupidity.

"Now – where the hell is Chase!?" I growled, slamming my fist against the table.

"He um... he's"

"Has your pack killed him?"

She shakes her head, her chin starting to wobble.

"If you cry, I swear I'll rip out your tear ducts" I grumble, watching as she sucks in her breath.

"Where is he?"

Her hands starts wiping like crazy under her eyes before she stumbles over words.

"He, he's um... he's at the... o goodness. This is actually what I had come to you about. I um... can I just take a deep breath... okay so um" I roll my eyes, flopping down on my seat. By the time this girl comes up with a coherent sentence, I'll be fifty.

"What have you guys done to my best friend?" I growled, watching her eyes becoming foggy once again.

Her stuttering started again and I rolled my eyes, getting up from the desk. I walked towards her, clutching her shoulders.

"Stop fudging doing that!"

She started nodding furiously, "WHERE IS HE!?"

"My... my pa...pack"


Her mumbling starting once again but the coherent words that she said were enough:

Dungeon... pack house... deal... please... and last but the most important: save.

I was going to safe my best friend.

I glared at her but later on my glare softened.

"You're taking me to him – now!"

"I... I can't... Felix...and... and" A low growl made her stop. I glared at her, my teeth barring. She was being irritating now. Not giving me enough info to actually be helpful.

I let out a low whistle and a second later, Lori came in.

"Take her back to her pack" I ordered, waving the girl off. Lori looked at me weirdly for a second before following my orders. She grasped hold of the girl's arm, roughly pulling her out of my office. Once she was gone, I let out a sigh.

She had been an idiot. A moron. As all these thoughts jumbled in my mind one shone out like a beacon:

Chase was coming back and well, if it ended up as a war I would gladly slash the girl's throat myself. 

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