Chapter 23 Freedom

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Is that my voice? It has to be. It's squeaky and idiotic. Felix hand goes into mine and it is given a squeeze before my mate speaks up again.

"You'll be set free"

"Why?" that's his voice. Perfect and angelic.

"Doesn't matter. You are going to be set free but with one condition" that's my mate. My glorious mate's voice.

"And what's that?"

"You and Lily will never have contact again"

I whip my head towards Felix, staring at him. More like gaping.

"Even if that wasn't a condition, I wouldn't want any contact with her"

Well, that was a slap to the face.

"Okay, so it's a deal?"


The warmth is released from my hand and I watch as Felix moved towards Chase. I watch as he bends down, getting out a key from his back pocket. Such a simple place. Damn... I could have gotten Chase released a long time ago.

I watch in silence as the shackles leaves my kidnapper's wrists. It's a hissing sound that follows as they slide off of the damaged skin.


The words are like a breath. He's looking down, rubbing his arms, inspecting the damage. And the he suddenly looks up. Our eyes connect and I once again drown in those grey orbs. My breath hitches in my throat and I am unsure of what to say. We stare at each other for what feels like an eternity – as if saying silent goodbyes – when a sudden howl makes me crash back onto earth.

Another howl follows and then all I see is Felix's eyes staring into mine.

"You stay here" he orders, the words sinking into my brain.

"What?" the word comes out as a mumble but as I see my mate hastily starting to leave the cell my mind snaps into action.

"What!? Why!?" I said, wanting my legs to move but the order is restricting me. I look over at Chase who has a confused look on his face.

"You can't just stay out of trouble can you?" he said, shaking his head lightly.

"Chase, what's going on?" I asked, confusion rummaging in my brain.

"Hellwood has come to save me"


When I leave my house all I see is black and white fur. A lot more black than white. An attack... there's an attack. I heard a whimper and my head whips to another white wolf falling down at the hands of some terrorising Hellwooder. A low growl erupts from my throat and I can feel my shorts starting to rip.

No one attacks my pack. NO ONE!!!

Once I'm turned, I attack the first darkened wolf I can see.


What's going on?


My pack is shouting in my brain but I try to ignore them and get my animalistic senses to be activated. I need to be ruthless. Need to stop anyone from hurting my pack .

I go for the first black wolf I see, digging my fangs into his neck. It lets out a whimper, trying to fight back but soon he submits to the ground. The thing flops down and I go for the next one. I don't know if I'm killing them or just hurting them. But it doesn't matter.

I need to protect my pack. It's my duty as an alpha.

In the corner of my eye I recognize my dad's wolf – fighting off what looks like a beta. It's submits easily, thumping to the ground as blood spills from the wound in its neck.

You doing okay boy?


I go for my next opponent, one that's just about to pounce onto Jenny. She might be my ex and loves initiating trouble but doesn't mean another pack may cause her pain. I can taste blood but the taste has become like saliva to me. I think by now, I've managed to make about twenty three wolves flop to the ground.

And another hundred is still trying to destroy my pack.

My vision zones in on the bigger target. His muscular and blood is already dripping from his jaws.

Moonlight blood.

Letting out a low growl, I position myself for attacking the horror.

And then... then I see grey. And my heart drops onto the floor

My vision zones in on the bigger target. His muscular and blood is already dripping from his jaws.

Moonlight blood.

Letting out a low growl, I position myself for attacking the horror. 

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