Chapter 14 Nope

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I glanced around the house, knocking for the thousandths time on the door. After having called my mate about thirty two times and leaving countless texts, my worry had gotten the best of me. And now I was busy banging on her front door, hoping and wishing that she hadn't disappeared again.

"Lily!" I yelled, feeling my hands shaking. As if this time had actually worked (apart from the hundred other times I had tried calling her), I detected her scent. I swung around, seeing her walking towards her house. She looked pale and my worry somehow increased.

"Lily" I rushed towards her, she – for some reason – not daring to look at me, "I was worried sick. Where did you go?"

She gave me a surprising glare and moved past me. She headed up the steps of her porch, getting out the house keys. I followed her, confusion filling me. Yet, she kept ignoring me, even trying to bang the door in my face.

"Did I do something wrong?"

She stopped walking and I saw her shoulders shaking.

Slowly she turned to me, anger and hurt portrayed in her face.

"Jenna told me" she said, almost growling. My heart plummets to my stomach and I can feel dread filling my intestines. My mouth opens, me trying to explain but what's there to say?

"Guess it's true by the look on your face" she said, tears brimming in her eyes.

"Lily, I'm – I'm so sorry" I stuttered, feeling my heart ache. Crap... how'd this happen?

"You left me! You – you – you freaking left me!" she screamed, those aqua eyes blazing.

"That wasn't part of the plan! We just wanted to freak you out a little bit. I never wanted you to be taken" I said, my voice sounding weak even to myself.

"Yet you left me"

"I thought you'd be okay" I said, looking down at the floor. Squirrel was the strongest person I had known at that stage, thought I'd never admit it. Being able to defend herself against an alpha even when she couldn't even shift, that took guts. She never backed down and when she had wanted to protect our pack. I didn't expect her to. I had thought she'd cross the border unknowingly, we'd make a few jokes and all would be fine.

If it hadn't been for that Hellwooder, she would have stayed safe.

"Well, clearly I wasn't!" she snapped, "Just go"

"Lily, I'm really, really sorry" I tried again but she simply just stared at me, those eyes like beautiful glinting daggers.

"You betrayed me" she grumbled, "Why, why would you do that?" the anger faded in her words, yet the hurt stayed. Her eyes welled with tears again and instinct took over. I took the steps towards her, she not backing away but when I tried to hug her, she pushed me away.

"How could you do that? I thought it was just meaningless banter with us? You – you could have ordered me to stop. Not have gotten me kidnapped" she said, her voice shaking.

I gulped, putting my hand on her chin and hoping she wouldn't pull away. Lightly letting my fingers brush the skin there, I saw the first tear drop down her cheek.

"You don't know how bad I felt about that. How I still feel about what I did to you. I tried every day to come and get you. I – I – I stayed at that border every day and I wanted to go over but my dad, my dad let out an order after you... disappeared. I couldn't go over thought I tried. I tried so badly squirrel" I said, biting my lip to stop my own tears to slip.

She only starred at me, her steady gaze slowly softening.

"I never want to lose you again" this time she let me embrace her into a hug. She was quiet for a moment and then her head leaned against my chest.

"I promise, nothing will ever hurt you again" I said.


I leaned away from the hug, looking at my mate's face. The anger had disappeared as soon as I had seen those watery eyes. Damn, I was weak.

"I promise nothing will ever hurt you again" his voice sounded like bells and those words felt heavy. Yip, capturing my kidnapper would make sure of that wouldn't it?

O the irony...

"It's okay Felix" I said and tightened the hug. Thoughts of what would happen if he had found out about my visit flooded my mind. Things will come out that I do not need to come out. And then, then Felix might just kill Chase.

And I could not let that happen. Everything was currently my fault and I didn't know how to handle it. But keeping quiet seemed like the best option. I was being selfish. An asshole even. Yet, how could I fix that about myself?

My wolf let out a low whimper in my head and without thinking I give a quick kiss to him on the cheek. His cheeks immediately flushed and he gave me a light smile. I smiled back at him, trying to hide my disappointment and hurt.

"Can I take you out again tonight?" he asked. I nodded, giving him another kiss on the cheek. 

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