Chapter 24 Grey

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Chase makes a move to go past me but I grab his arm. I might not be able to move my feet but my upper body is still free from compulsion.


He sighs, rolling his eyes.

"There's a war Lily" I can feel my blood turning to ice and I try to stop myself from getting a panic attack. Fudge... fudging fudge fudgity fudge. I can feel my lungs closing up but I know I need to focus now and have my silly panic attack later.

"Why?" I breathe.

"Your pack kidnapped me" he shrugged, as if it was obvious.

"But we let you go"

"Like five minutes ago Lily"

"But... but... we let you go" this is the only thing that makes sense to me at the moment. We should be fine now. There shouldn't be an attack on Moonlight.

Chase rolled his eyes, sighing.

"I have to go"

He started to move but I tightened my grip on his arm, "No!"

"Lily, let me go" he pulled his arm back, giving me a glare.

"What are you going to do!?" I snapped, glaring at him.

He sighed but didn't say anything.


His head turned towards me and I got a smirk before the door was closed.

"Chase!!!" yelling once more I only got a chuckle. He knew I was stuck, forced by command to 'stay save'. I watch him disappear and look down at my legs. I can feel the tingles of the command coursing through my veins thought I know it'll take forever to wear off.

Damn Alpha commands...

Another howl erupts through the room, making me suck in a breath. Dammit... I need to get up there.


They smaller grey wolf goes to stand in front of the alpha, it looking like a baby kitten standing up to a fully grown bear. Yet, it's fierce. Growls erupt from her snarling mouth, saliva dripping lightly. It's glorious and frightening at the same time.

What the hell is she thinking?

She stalks in front of the black wolf, the hair on her back standing up. She's definitely angry.

Lily, what are you doing here?

She doesn't halt. Doesn't even acknowledge my slightly angered tone. All her attention is trained on the wolf in front of her. Every fibre of her being trained to making sure no one else in the pack gets hurt. The fight around her is slowing down. Black and white wolves alike clearly interested in seeing what's going to happen.

At least there is no more bloodshed. Not yet anyway. If that alpha even think about moving a step, he's going to know what real alpha-blood is. Yet, he just stands there, starring at Lily as if he can't contemplate it.

Well, who can?

She's a pretty small wolf. And grey.

That still makes little sense to me. Her pack is snow white. She's supposed to be like us. But Lily had always stood out. Only makes sense her wolf would do the same.

I slowly move towards them, too scared to go fast. It might set off the attack.

And then, then suddenly something happens. Something that makes every fibre of my being pulse with anger and hatred. A flash of black and then Lily falls to the ground, a large wolf having knocked her to the ground.

O no he didn't...

I speed up immediately, attacking the wolf that had harmed my mate. Yet, when I move towards them, he disappears. Lily slowly gets up, a little wobbly but she looks okay.

Are you alright?

Her wolf nods and she goes back into defence mode. But before she can make another idiotic move I charge for the alpha. 

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