Chapter 25 - Saviour

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Everything happens in a flash. One minute I've pushed the idiot girl from getting herself killed and the next her stupid mate goes for Matt. They're a good match. Both flipping stupid.

Impulse takes over and I go for her mate. I get him by the neck, throwing him to the ground in a heap of fur and blood. I sink my teeth into the skin, feeling the trashing wolf below me calming down.

A low whimper rumbles from his throat which is my indication to let go. Behind me, something is nipping. Nipping... biting... its Lily alright. I shove her off, she stumbling to the ground once again. She's whimpering and when I dare to look over at her, I see her eyes are glassy.


He was attacking my alpha

You attacked my mate!

She gets up once again, starting to growl. It's edged at me but then two white wolves come to stand in front of her.

ENOUGH! Off our pack lands. You've damaged enough

The voice sounds male but there's indication of Lily in it. Definitely her dad. I let out a low growl but a command filtered through my mind which made me halt. Made the whole pack stop actually.

It was a single sentence but spoke volumes

Come. We got what we came for.

I looked over at Matt, who gave me a nod. I nodded back, giving a quick glance at Lily who looked at me in anger.

Never touch our pack again

I growled before moving past her to my alpha. In the corner of my eye, I saw her rush towards her mate, feeling the weird pang of pain that coursed through my veins.

Thank you

I looked over at Matt, giving him a nod, it's what pack members do

I could have taken him. You didn't have to

Like I said, it's what pack members do

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