twenty three.

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Warning!!! This chapter is a little deep and could possibly be triggering. Read at you own pace. Tessa shares some things with the boys that are very personal. 

[ CHAPTER 23 ]

We pull up to there house and holy fuck. Their house is huge. These kids are rich. Holy shit. Wow.

I can't help but just gawk at their house. My house foster house is shit. My old foster houses were shit. My house that I lived in with my parents was shit. This house is for five teenaged boys. No parents, no adults. 

"Wow." I say and they all laugh at me. 

"Shutup. Zach you saw my foster house when you dropped me off after the concert. It's shitty. This place is a mansion oh my god." I say opening the door, hopping off of Zach's lap and running to their yard.


They laugh and all get out of the car. I turn around and head back to the car to get my phone and skateboard. 

Zach puts his arm around my waist stopping me from getting to the car. He pulls my phone out of his pocket and then points to Daniel, who is holding my board. 

I nod and turn back around, he moves his arm from my stomach to around my shoulders and we walk to his house.

"You're on my team for nerf wars." He says.

"Oh I am?" I ask stepping in front of him and turning towards him, flirting a little bit because why not?

He puts his hands on my hips and starts walking forwards guiding me to walk backwards without falling.

"Yes you are because you're mine." He winks.

I kind of like the sound of that but I'm not his property I am my own person. Should I continue flirting or should I stop? I think I should stop, we started becoming friends again. 

"I am my own independent woman, I do not belong to any man. You sexist." I stick my tongue out at him and run into the house.

"I'm not on Zach's team for nerf wars!" I yell while running into the house trying to find the room where the rest of the boys are.

"Yes she is!" Zach yells running after me.

I find the other boys and they are in what I believe to be the living room but I'm really not sure because holy shit this house is huge.

They're all sitting on a couch talking and before I can sit in between any of them Zach runs in behind me and picks me up from behind I squeal and kick until he throws me on the empty couch.

He comes and sits next to me throwing his arms around me and pulling me into his lap. 

"Maybe we can just watch a movie, I'm kind of tired." Jack says and the other boys nod. 

"But what movie?" I ask. These boys don't seem like ones who would be able to compromise very well. 

"Let's first decide what genre" Jonah says.

They all start throwing out options at the same time and then commenting on the things the others said. I cannot follow anything. How can they even hear what they are saying?

"Hey!" I yell to shut them all up.

They all stop talking and look at me.

"My favorite Disney movie is Tangled, my favorite action/superhero movie is SpiderMan Homecoming and my favorite horror movie is Hush. Just thought that I'd through those out there because I love them so much." 

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