thirty five.

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[ CHAPTER 35 ]

Zach's POV

Holy shit. This is absolutely insane.

I get surprised every time she tells me a new thing about her life. She's been through so much and it's crazy. I thought my life was hard turns out it's super simple. And I'm sure there are people out there who have it worse than her.

This really opens my eyes to a new perspective on life and how fucked up it can really be for some people.

She didn't do anything to deserve this. Everything went wrong after her mom was diagnosed. One day everything was fine and then the next, she's in a foster home.

I can't help but get a little teary eyed. I mean, this is my girlfriend we are talking about here.

I pull her into my arms and wrap them around her. I hold her tight and, sheesh I never want to let go.

Not to mention her hair smells amazing.

I rub her back and continue to whisper that everything will be okay in her ears.

She nods and sniffles a little bit. I know she hates crying in front of other people but it's completely understandable.

In fact, I look around at all the guys and some of them are a little teary eyed as well. It really is just a sad sad story. Logan doesn't even know all of it. He only knows the part about her parents, not about juvie.

I kiss her head and once more tell her that everything will be okay.

She thanks me and pulls herself out of my grip. My hands naturally go to her hair and push a strand back behind her ears. She smiles and turns towards everyone.

"It's okay guys, I know it's a sad story but I'm okay now." She puts on a brave face but I know this is killing her.

"Good. We all want the best for you." Daniel says rubbing her arm.

I know he's just being friendly but I can't help but glare at him and hate that he touched her.

All the other boys agree with Daniel and give her hugs.

I let it go because I know they are helping her get through a rough time and that's all I care about right now.

"And thank you, Logan. For the job. It means so much to me, I'll take it even if I can't get emancipated." She smiles, "if that's all right with you."

"Yeah, of course it is. Welcome to team Maverick." He says giving her a hug.

I smile and their relationship because even though they just met it seems like they've known each other forever.

"All right all right. That's long enough, Paul. That is my girlfriend by the way," I say and pull her away from him.

They all laugh at me and Tessa smiles and kisses my cheek.

I put my arms around her and hug her tight.

She rubs my back and I smile.

"You alright?" I whisper to her.

She nods keeping her face in my chest and her arms wrapped around me.

"Good." I smile and kiss her head.

She pulls away from our hug and kisses me.

"Ugh ewww gross stop it" the boys yell.

She pulls away and laughs.

She's so beautiful and seeing her smile and laugh is so amazing.

I'm so grateful that she is in my life.

We are all chilling and vlogging random shit when the door opens.

"Uh Logan? Who's here?" Jonah asks.

"I'm not sure." He says whilst getting up and walking to the door.

"Ayeeeee that'ssss myyyyyy boyyyyyy." Logan yells and does his handshake with Evan.

Which leads me to believe that it's Evan.

See I'm not that dumb.

"Bro I have someone for you to meet." Logan says to Evan and they walk out onto the patio.

"Evan, this is Tessa. Tessa, this is Evan." He says picking up Evan and then setting him down. Then picking up Tessa and putting her right in front of Evan.

"Oh my god! Hi! You're shorter than me! No one's ever shorter than me! Hi!" Tessa says, super excited and energetic.

"Hello there, Tessa. Why are you so energetic?" He asks her.

Her face drops a little bit before she answers. "What do you mean?"

"You are so happy."

"Well yeah, life is shitty but you have to stay positive." She smiles at him and does a little dance.

"That's why you're on team maverick baby!" Logan yells and picks her up.

"She is?" Evan asks.

"Yeah, my new assistant. Probably." He adds.

Tessa laughs and comes back over to me and sits next to been on the bean bag. She snuggles up to me and I put my arms around her.

Evan looks at us, "awww Zachy's got a girlfriend. How cute."

We both smile and laugh. God her laugh is amazing.

Jack pulls out his phone and starts taking a snapchat video. He jumps on our laps and gets us in the video.

"Aww awww dawww how cute awwww babies aww." He says in a baby voice vooming in and out of our faces.

"Hey don't post that!" I say sitting up fast after he gets off of us, "please!" I add.

Tessa looks at me with sad eyes and gets up and walks inside.


"Jack. Just please don't post it." I say to him and then go follow Tessa.

"Tessa! Come one Tessa, where'd you do?"

No answer.

"Come on Tess!"

"Don't call me that." I hear from Logan's room.

I open the door and see Tessa standing by Maverick's cage and playing with him.

"Why do you hate being called that?" I ask her.

"Why do you not want to be seem on Jacks snapchat with me?" She retorts.

I sigh and sit on Logan's bed. I pat the spot right next to me. She sighs and sits right next to me.

"If I answer your question will you answer mine?" I say grabbing her hand and kissing it.

She nods, "I don't get why you don't want to be seen with me?"

"Tessa, it's not that I don't want to be seen with you," I laugh. "We just haven't told our fans yet and I don't want there to be any drama going around." I explain. "I know it sounded bad when I yelled at Jack not to post it but it was just my first instinct, to protect you."

She looks up at me and then looks down at her feet, "oh. Well that makes sense. Sorry I over reacted."

"No no. You being upset is completely justified. You didn't understand. Of course I want to be seen with you. I want to show you off as my beautiful girlfriend but I don't want to too soon."

She nods, understandingly.

I kiss her, softly and she kisses me back. I cup her cheeks and then pull away after a couple seconds.

"It's your turn baby." I say pressing my forehead against hers, "why do you hate being called Tess."

Cliffhanger lol I'm sorry guys ily

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-av <3

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