sixty five.

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Tessa's POV

I've had my cast on for a few weeks and todays the day when I finally get it off and I get a walking boot on instead.

It's coming to the end of summer and I have to go to school soon. I'm so excited but scared at the same time. It's a whole new place and all new people.

"Tessa!" Logan yells.


"Your little boyfriend is here to take you to the doctors!"

I get up and pick my crutches off of the floor. I put on my bookbag and leave my room, shutting the door behind me.

"Hello, love." Zach smiles when he sees me.

"Hello, darling." I grin and press a kiss to his cheek.

"Here let me carry your bag."

"I got it, it's fine." I shrug him off as we walk to the elevator.

When we get in the elevator he steps behind me and starts taking off my bag.

"You're annoying, Zachary." I roll my eyes.

"But you love me."

"Indeed I do." I smile and kiss him as he puts on my bookbag.

When we get out to the car he helps me in and takes my crutches, throwing them in the back seat.

We drive to the doctors. I go in the back room while Zach has to sit in the waiting room. I told them it was okay for him to come back but because he's not my family he's not allowed.

"Hey girl how are ya?" The nurse asks when she comes into the room.

"I'm fantastic how are you?"

"I'm alright. Why so happy?"

"I get off these damn crutches today." I grin.

She laughs, "everyones always excited about that. So we are going to take off that cast, get some xrays and hopefully put on a walking boot and get you off those crutches."

"Yay!" I cheer as she brings in the saw to cut off my cast.

We take it off to reveal my disgusting purple bruised and muscle deprived leg. I cringe at my lose of muscle and the giant bruise. She helps me up and to the xray room.

When she brings back my xray she is dancing around and humming.

"Good news?"

"Good news." She smiles, "your healing up very nicely. The bones are practically back together you need probably like 3 weeks in a walking boot and you'll be good to go."

I grin and do a little dance in my seat while she gets out a walking boot." She shows me how to tighten or loosen it and give me pointers on how to heal even more without hurting myself.

I put the boot on by myself and tighten it. I get up off the bed and walk around, smirking.

She smiles "very impressive. Now go back to your boyfriend and enjoy your new found love for walking."

I laugh and give her a hug before going back to the waiting room to find Zach.

"Babe, look at me. I'm walking!" I sing while walking over to him and grabbing his hand.

He shakes his head and laughs, "you're a dork."

I gasp and hold my hand over my chest as if my heart is broken.

He laughs as we get up and walk back out to the car, "I'm very proud. You're doing great."

"You're doing amazing sweetie," I laugh and take out my phone pretending to record him.

He shakes his head as we get in the car, "you're such a weirdo."

I frown and buckle my seatbelt. He leans over the center console and gives me a kiss. I smile and turn back to the road as we drive back to Logans.

I look at my phone and see I have a new email from NYU.

Ms. Jacobs,
Congratulations, once again for getting accepted to our university. You have been given the day of August 18th to move into dorm hall A, room 1256. If you have any questions feel free to email us back.
             NYU Housing.

I lock my phone and then quickly unlock it, checking the date.

August 1st.


hello everyone sorry i haven't updated in a BOP i just moved and we don't have wifi at our new house and i'm trying not to use up all my data, but i felt bad so now i'm connected to my phone's hotspot - i've been trying to respond to most comments tho so you know I'm not dead !!!!!

anywho don't forget to vote and share this story with your friends!!! votes help the story get out there and be in more peoples recommended so please vote!!!

if this gets 15 votes by the end of the day i'll post chapter 66, up to you guys at this point :)

-av <3

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