sixty eight.

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[ CHAPTER 68 ]

Tessa's POV

"Hey Z?" I whisper as I sit up and look over at his sleeping body. "Are you awake?"


I frown and turn away from him, "okay." I get up out of bed and head downstairs. But not before stopping in the doorframe and looking at him.

When I go downstairs Daniel is the only one awake, as per usual, and he's sitting at the island on his phone. I walk behind him to the stove and grab a pot from the cabinet.

"Want any tea?" I ask him to know how much water I should boil.

He jumps and turns to look at me, "what the hell? Where'd you come from?"

I laugh, "I've been down here for like 10 minutes. I just walked behind you and you were too interested in your little screen." I say referring to his phone.

He laughs at me and complies with my offer for tea. I put enough water in the pot for us both and then sit across from him at the island.

"So why are you up so early?" He asks as I sit down.

"I got up and couldn't fall back asleep."

He raises one eyebrow as if asking for me to go into more depth.

I sigh, "I leave for New York on the 18th and I don't know how to tell Zach."

He checks his phone and then looks back up at me. "It's the 5th."

I nod, "I've already started packing and ordering stuff online to be sent to my dorm."

"I don't know if I can do it."

"Tessa, you can and you know that. You did it for our tour."

I get up when I hear the tea pot start to whistle. I make myself and Daniel a mug. I hand him his as I sit back down. "Daniel that was a couple of months, this is four years. And those couple months were torture."

He thinks in silence while sipping his tea before speaking. "What are you gonna do?"

"I'm gonna tell him when I'm leaving and that we should probably take a break." As I say that he lets out a puff of air, he knew I was going to say it. He just doesn't want to hear it. No one wants to hear that their best friends partner is planning on breaking up with them.

He shakes his head, "he's not going to agree."

"I know."

"Good luck, I suppose."

"Thanks Dani." I smile and head up the stairs back to Zach's room.

"Z? I have to talk to you." I say taking a seat on the bed feeling it sink towards my side.

"Z is sleeping." He mumbles.

"Zach. Come on."

He turns to face me with a questioning look, "you okay?"

I shake my head "I need to talk to you."

He sits up and grabs my hands. "What's up buttercup?"

"I leave for school on the 17th. And it's gonna be really hard to be away from each other."

"What day is it?"

"The 5th. I have like two weeks."

He sighs "okay. We'll be okay, babe."

"Z here's the thing-" I start.

"The thing? What thing? There is no thing. We will be okay. That's the thing."

"Zach, college is four years. We can't have four years of a long distance relationship."

"Tessa, Corbyn and Christina do it! She goes to school in New York, too." He convinces me.

"Zach her program is two years. And they have been doing long distance since the start so they're use to i️t! We are with each other all the fucking time we can't just be apart from each other for four fucking years!"

"So what? We're breaking up?"

"Well not right now, Zach. I think that we should probably separate when I move. I need to focus on school and now you need to focus on your music. We can't do that if we are focusing on someone else who's on the other side of country." I sigh as I start to tear up. "You know that I love you and I don't want to break up with you, but I have to focus on my school. We can't hold each other back."

He nods, "I get it. I really do, but I'm not letting go until I have to."

"Please don't" I whisper as he pulls me into his chest.

We lay back down and cuddle until we both fall back asleep.


i️t had to be done my loves :(

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