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[ CHAPTER 40 ]

Tessa: heyo so slight problem 

Logan: ?? what's wrong 

Tessa: so apparently my father isn't actually my birth father and my whole life has been a lie so I have to find my birth father so that he can sign the papers and blah blah so I can still be your assistant if you want 

Logan: oh shit

Logan: are you okay?

Tessa: yeah I'm fine

Tessa: a little overwhelmed but I'm fine

Logan: good 

Tessa: thank you 

Logan: but yeah I'd definitely love for you to still be my assistant 

Tessa: ok cool

Logan: we'll have a lot of fun

Tessa: sounds like it 

Logan: when do you want to start?

Tessa: I mean I'm not doing anything today

Logan: you remember where I live?

Tessa: yeah

Tessa: see you in 10

Logan: see ya 


Tessa's POV

I change into a presentable outfit and grab some breakfast. 

"Elizabeth!!" I yell


"I'm going to work! I'll be back later!" 

She comes downstairs.

Lately she's been a bit nicer to me because Sandra called her and told her all the shit that has been going down. I guess she feels bad for me, which she probably should.

"You're going to work?" She asks.

"Yeah I got an assistant job with the friend who's famous and needed an assistant."

"Oh ok, nice. It'll be good for you to make some money and get your mind off of everything. Call me if you need anything." She says and smiles.

God this is so awkward. 

"Thanks" I say, filling up a water bottle and then leaving to Logans. 

As I'm skating over my phone starts ringing. 

I pull it out of my pocket and Zach is calling me.

"Heyyyooooo." I sing to answer it.

He laughs, "hey babe. What are you doing?"

"Well right now I'm on my way to Logan's."

"Logan Paul?"

"Logan Paul." 

"Why are you going to Logan's?"

"He's my new boss." I laugh.

"Oh you're gonna be his new assistant?" He says, surprised. 


"Oh lit. We might come over later then. I miss you."

"I miss you too babe," I laugh. "I'll let you know what we're doing." 

"Okay, call me if you need anything." 

"Will do. See you later babe." I smile.

"Bye, I love you."

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