Chapter 18: Cold Cybernetics

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Marcia looked at her hands again. She could never seem to get over this.

"What am I...?" she whispered to herself.

She had been...reborn, for lack of a better term, for about a month. The woman that she saw upon waking up, now known to her as Ana, didn't tell her much about herself.

That bothered her, to say the least.

"Here we are," Ana announced as the two reached their destination. They had been teleported (Marcia still had questions about how that worked) out of her hospital room and to some kind of testing center.

She passed some scientists on the way down to the door, but they didn't seem to look at her. In fact, they seemed to be looking very hard at various computers with what she could only describe as gibberish.

Apparently, becoming a cybernetic mess didn't make one super smart.

Ana waved her hand at Marcia, more to get her attention than anything else.

"Pay attention, Ms. Grey. We don't have much time. Get in."

Slightly annoyed by her blunt tone, she rolled her eyes and walked in.

Minutes later...

"Are you quite prepared, Ms. Grey?" Ana spoke through an intercom that echoed through the otherwise soundless room.

"What are we doing?" Marcia asked, crossing her arms impatiently.

"First, let's test your reflexes."

The room around her dissolved, replaced with a forest. Typical.

She didn't have much time to mull this over, as she was assaulted by some unwanted company.

It appeared as a hologram. A shadow-like aberration that didn't emote, didn't so much as twitch.

She watched her foe with focus that no mere human could hope for.

When she finally caught that twitch, she was more than ready for it. She countered the shadow with a punch, which made it dissapate, only for it to reform as three shadows. These were each about the size of a bodybuilder, and sprang on her in their bid to overwhelm her.

Thankfully, she had learned from her first go-around here to take more swift action. She lit the ground aflame with a stomp of her foot. Even now, when she was more comfortable with it, it still creeped to have this kind of power.

Burning in apparent agony, the shadows then morphed again. This time, they turned into a rhino-like creature that promptly charged at her.

She took this opportunity to try something she had only done once before. Holding her breath and forcing herself to focus, she turned into what appeared to be a cloud of black gas floating in the air. In reality, she had become tiny iron particles. Quickly reforming behind the creature, she gritted her teeth in pain (which surprisingly, she could still feel) and tackled it head on.

She rushed it with lightning-fast punches, only to be gored in the face upon it turning and ramming her.

Managing to catch herself and fly using her now rocket-powered feet, she did something that still turned her stomach (if you could really say she had one). Her hands disappeared, turning into rocket launchers and fired a volley of missiles after a brief charging period.

The creature finally completely disintegrated in a ball of fire.

"All right, that's enough for today," Ana said curtly.

She stood there for a moment as the explosion and simulated environment faded away. That haunting question plagued her mind yet again.

What am I?

Cybil (2018) #projectsuper Where stories live. Discover now