Chapter 63: The Epic Crossover, Part 1

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Cybil's mouth was agape as she watched who approached them to take their order. It was exactly as the picture depicted: a boy about 15 years old with a complexion so similar to hers that even without her knowledge of their relationship, she could be sure that they were related.

Everything about him was surprisingly neat as well, considering what kind of job he had.

"Er... Is there something wrong, my beauty?"

It was as if she didn't hear him. She found herself shaking her father's arm, desperately trying to get his attention.

"What, Cybil?" he snapped, mildly annoyed. His question hung in the air when he realized what she was looking at.

"... Hi."

The boy ran a hand uncomfortably through his jet black hair. "Are... Is this going to be a problem?"

The Spanish accent he carried was somewhat thick, but authentic enough not to be offensive. He seemed to speak very slowly and pointedly.

"N-no!" Cybil answered quickly.

"W-well be fine!" James chipped in.

"Okay... Are you ready to order... Or..."

Cybil and James eventually agreed on a sampler platter, but the girl felt her appetite slipping away with her brother standing in front of her.

She had to talk to him. Nothing else mattered.

She caught him as he turned to walk away. "Um... How are you?"

Maxie looked back, clearly put off by the two crazy people looking at him funny. "I'm... I'm fine. Thank you."

With Ryu...

It was her. She had been the girl he had seen on that stormy night, but without the catsuit from that time, though.

He quickly redirected his eyes to the menu in front of him. Thankfully, everyone else appeared to be looking at the menu. If they (especially Raelynn) knew who he was looking at... well, pandemonium would ensue. They would need a strategy to...


He glanced at the scene again. That man sitting by her...

That face...

"Ryu! Yo. Earth to Ryu!"

Joel. He had forgotten that other people were around. He was part of a group.

"Sorry. What is it?"

"Dude, are you going to order or what?"

The boy looked concerned. That was odd considering his usual carefree nature.

"Yeah..." He quickly rattled off his order at the waiting waitress. She looked like she was hiding her annoyance with him behind a waitress's smile.

"Sorry about that." He approximated a pleasant smile. She seemed to take it with no notable reaction and left.


His eyes darted to his gaming companion. "Yeah?"

"You okay? You've been acting weird ever since we got here."

Raelynn and Corrin were busy chatting away.

He had to measure his words to ensure that his sister didn't overhear certain information.

He decided to get something off his chest.

"It's just... This." he pointed to his body. "It's just so... Frustrating. Nobody sees me. They just see what I look like."

Moonie sighed. "That's not new, bud. There are people in this world who look a lot worse than us. There are also those who have a ton of other powers and such much harder than ours to hide..."

Ryu didn't have any obvious powers... Did he?

"That doesn't mean I don't feel your pain. There are times where I want to get rid of my powers, as admittedly cool as they are. They cost me my family and friends."

Ryu was surprised by this. Here was potentially one of the most powerful Supers in the entire world, and he (at least, partially) didn't even want to be one.

"Look around you, Moonie. We're your family, even if your real family doesn't come around."

He meant those words. Moonie was like a brother to him. An annoying little brother, but a brother nonetheless.

"Thanks, man. That means a lot." He wiped away mounting tears from his eyes. "Can you promise me something!"


"Quit with the melodrama, okay? We're your friends. You can talk to us about anything. Anything..."

Ryu smiled in spite of himself. Before he could open his mouth to speak any further, screaming began to echo throughout the restaurant, followed by a voice.

"I'm looking for something to eat, too. Thing is, I'm on a steady diet of powers!"

Cybil (2018) #projectsuper Where stories live. Discover now