Chapter 87: Family Matters

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Elena tried her best to stand stock-still and look important as she cosplayed as one of Wester's goons. She and Ty had separately infiltrated the Base after the others left.

She still remembered the argument that she had had with her son...


"You are NOT going, Tyrone Williams!"

"What do you expect me to do? Just sit here and die while my brothers and sisters fight to secure a future that I'll never have?"

"They are not my son!"

Elena immediately regretted that statement, as Tyrone gave her the most hate-filled, teary-eyed look. "I HATE YOU!"

He ran off crying, with the mother following him after spending a few minutes realizing the implications of what she'd said.

He had fled to the bedroom across the hall. Tears were streaming down her face as she walked in.


Ty looked at her from his position buried in the comforters of the bed. His condition had deteriorated more rapidly as of late. He looked sickly, and a pink aura surrounded him (not just his crown, but him as a whole) that seemed to flare violently with his emotions. Would he even make it to the end of all this?

"Leave me alone," he mumbled through the comforter.

"I... I'm sorry, baby," she started, rubbing his back. Surprisingly, the energy surrounding the boy didn't actually harm her despite its appearance. "I shouldn't have said that."

"You don't even love them, do you?"

"I..." she found herself bereft of speech.

"I'm not gonna be here much longer. What's gonna happen to you when I die, huh?"

Elena didn't have an answer for that. After what happened to her late boyfriend, Martin, what would she do if she saw Tyrone die? She didn't want to contemplate that thought.

"I don't know right now..." A pained, barely audible whisper was all that she could muster.

What felt like an eternity of silence passed between mother and son.

"I..." She stopped. She was actually considering this. She had to be insane. Whatever... She would be insane with her son, if that had to be the case...

"I'll go with you."

He hadn't expected to hear that. "R-really."

She nodded. "But how are we going to get there? The others have already left..."

"I...can... I got it..."

Winnie appeared in the doorway. "We were...hoping you'd...come around."

"Um... Where's Marina?"

"She' holding things...down..." He motioned for them to come to him.

"Do you have an accent or something?" Elena asked, just now noticing this.

Winnie had to take a deep breath to answer such a complicated question. "I was...found in Winnipeg when I was 3... That's my name. It's a Canadian accent... I think."


"Let's go... Hold on..." with that, the trio warped out of the house.

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